Chapter 4

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There was no day 6 after all..

Usually Sam texted her before a date to let Kath know any important details or to ask Kath when she'll pick her up or just something.

After date three they became more friendly, sending occasional text, talking to each other outside of their little agreements. Asking about their day and all. Some days during Kath's shift she even came to the hospital to meet Kath in person, sometimes bringing coffee, sometimes flowers. One time she brought chocolates for Irin too along with Kath's.

Those curious eyes were still present there and now they had to see a person bringing something for her instead of only a package. The same person all the time. Knowing looks had been shared after she leaves.

But after their last date it was pin drop silence from Sam. Not even a single  text.
Kath was having a very hectic schedule to notice at first but when she didn't heard from her and didn't get any text by the Sunday night, she started to get worried.

She gave a text or two but there was no response as well. She didn't wanna intrude so she didn't call or text further. But Kath kept checking her phone on a regular basis. Still nothing!

And on Tuesday as suspected there was no Sam waiting in the parking lot. Kath sighed, she somehow expected her not showing up but still she felt a little disheartened.

Kath waited for her about an hour then went home dejected.

Day 6 verdict - Disheartening !






It was the same as Day 6. Nothing on a certain brunette who had disappeared again from Kath's life unnoticed.. When her messages weren't returned, Kath stopped texting.

First she was worried then disappointed then anger took over. Where was she? It's been seven days. At least she could have given her a small text saying she was okay or busy or anything , perhaps!

Kath felt exactly the same as she felt that night after she didn't find Sam in front of her. She felt like that all over again...

She never knew she unconsciously got a little dependent on a person who has a habit of disappearing on her time to time. If Kath's work ethic was anything to go by she was utterly distracted. Kath couldn't focus on her work, where her profession requires 100% focus.. still Her heart wasn't there. It was concerning for herself.

Kath realized it wasn't good, it was very bad in fact. She couldn't be like this. She could not afford being distracted by a girl she know for few weeks. And She would not be the girl who gets dependent on somebody.

If Sam ever comes in front of her, she would be strong and would never let herself feel any other way. 7 days had already gone by with only 3 to go. No more, no less! After that Kath would be free.

Despite all of her inner monologue Kath waited again on Friday but only for half an hour this time. And then went home after.

Day 7 verdict - A new determination..!





But her determination got lost in the air when she got a a bouquet of fresh flowers on her desk on Monday afternoon right at her break; with a note saying,

“Can you please meet me at the rooftop right now? I'll apologize sincerely there!”

Kath kinda rushed to the rooftop. It was only before entering she composed herself to present herself as a calm cool person and not affected at all!

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