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Every end is a new beginning.

Every year after the cold Winter; comes the beautiful and the warm Spring. The season of hope and regeneration.. Nature recovers from Winters 'gray and white' and turns into 'green and blue'.. Clear blue sky, multicolored flowers and greenery everywhere.. It's like Spring bringing the warmth back to nature's heart which makes the suffering of the biting cold of winter feel worth it.


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Dr. Kath was watching the beautiful nature and reminiscing about the spring she got to spend with her beloved girlfriend, Sam.

She had just finished her shift and still was in her doctor's coat. Something within her wanted to come to this place today so she did. This place has significant value in her life. She remembered her setting up a little picnic right in the corner. Where she was sitting on a blanket upon the grass with her lover lying on her lap. Kath remember running her finger through her beautiful hair and her beautiful eyes that was focused on her. They talked for hours.

Here, Sam gave her a promise ring and promised to love and cherish Kath the fullest until her last breath and also made Kath promise that Kath will live her life to the fullest even after Sam's dismissal. She will not be sad and will always remember Sam with a smile not with tears. She will grab every opportunity to be happy.

Even though Kath's eyes were welling up a little, still Kath smiled. And she will honor her love by keeping her promise.

After reuniting with Kath, Sam's health became better. She wasn't as weak as she was before, it was like her will to live returned with Kath. It was only for her will and determination to be with Kath, she was able to survive for little over a year. Doctor gave her 6 months but she fought; she fought hard for Kath.. That one year will be written as the golden year of Kath's life. Kath truly was enchanted to meet Sam.

They lived every day as if it was their last day. They were able to complete the two dates that were due. . One was at the beach on a hot summer day and another was a classic date; where they dressed up and went to dinner at a fancy restaurant..

Kath remembers the dinner date, forgetting all the restrictions and impending things, that night they loved each other. They've given each other the whole, connecting with one another with the most intimate level.. That night was everything for them. They cuddled and then made breakfast together the next morning. They loved a lifetime worth of love in that small time. It wasn't long but it was enough.

Kath sighed and kept her smile. She missed her.. It's been two years since she closed her eyes for a final time leaving Kath and Sky behind.

Kath and Sky are still in contact . They literally became like brothers and sisters during that one year. Sam used to joke saying they're more siblings than Sam and Sky were. During one of the visits of Irin , Kath and Sam introduced Irin to Sky. They have been dating for the past one and half years now. How did that happen ? Well life works in a mysterious way..

"Sam, Stop na!" The name broke Kath from her recollection. She looked at the two little kids who were running down on the narrow little path of the park. Playing games and enjoying their youth.

"No, chase me if you can, Mon!" The kid named Sam ran faster.

The younger kid tried to fasten her pace but she fell instead. The elder one stopped in her tracks immediately and rushed back to her friend.. , "Mon you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I hurt my knee !" The younger one said in a teary voice.

"Aww don't cry. Let's go home, my mom will treat your knee. Don't worry. It will be fine. Come one I'll give you a piggyback ride and a chocolate!" the younger one squeaked in joy, forgetting her knee. She happily hopped up on the elder one's back. And they walked away giggling.

Kath smiled at the cute interaction. She looked back at nature and sighed.. It's a beautiful and hopeful day.

"You seem all by yourself up here Doc.!"

A unknown voice called out. Kath turned to look at the source of voice. As she turned fully she heard a click . The stranger was holding a camera up. Taking pictures. She then slowly lower the camera from her face, giving Kath full access to look at her.

The stranger smiled and said,

"Hi. I'm Lin!"

Every end is a new beginning

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Every end is a new beginning.


So this is it guys. The story ends here with a hopeful note of New beginning.

You author is a sucker for a happy ending. So the real reason why I didn't pair particularly SamMon or LinKath as the protagonist of this story because I want them to end up together in all universe without dying.
It's fiction right? Anything is possible in fictitious world. This is why we are happy in fiction.

I love FreenBecky, I want all of their characters to have a happy ending with longevity at least in fiction. It's solely a my thing. This is the real reason for choosing two different characters from two different universes.

I brought Lin at the very end because I wanted to keep the story open for me. IF in future I find a suitable idea and a good plot, I'll write about them. IF ; I'm not promising anything though.

I really hope you'll like this epilogue guys ! Please share your thoughts on this. And show me some love. It's been a hectic week of "Write, Edit and Post."

I'll be posting another chapter of "Then There's You" tomorrow then author will take a break of two weeks. I have to find new ideas and write; this is why the break is much needed. I'll probably not update any chapter during that period of time. I hope everyone will understand.

Thank you being here.
Take care 🌻

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