Chapter 16

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23 Dec,2015

"Advik" a guy called out from behind him and he looked at that person.

Chaya this is your chance go and talk to him, tell him what you feel about him. It's fine if he rejects you. No it's not. You have to take the risk and confess to him today only.

Gosh Santa please help me, I don't need any gifts I only need him. Please please please help me.

Mustering my courage I slowly started to walk towards him.

"Ad-advik" Why are you stuttering you dumbo? God Chaya calm down.

"Yes" he looked towards me and said in a husky voice. Damn I am in love with his voice too.

"Do I know you?" He asked staring at me which was enough to give me chills through my spine.

"N-no" I tried my best to be calm but his stare was intimidating as hell.

How the hell I even ended up like this? This guy is really scary. Chaya just tell him why you are here? Just tell him and run away from here okay.  Okay let's do it.

"So what is it?" He narrowed his eyes while looking at me.

"Iiyoudobtknuwmebutiwattedtotellyouthatihikeyouitsfineifyoudontlikemeijustwabtedtotellyouwhatifeelthatsiythangsyoubsi" I mumbled whatever came into my mind, bowed and ran from there.

I bumped into someone while running and almost fell on the ground but two strong arms saved me from falling. Thank God to the person who saved me from falling. I looked up to the person and it was none other than Ashutosh Raghuwanshi. I am fucked up. Why do I have such a bad luck?

He took his hands off of me and I tried to run away again but he held my wrist just when I tried to do that.

"We met again kitten" he said with a cheeky smile. God why are these brothers so handsome. But the most important question is why am I running into this guy again and again today. I was supposed to confess to Advik today but here I am with his brother after fucking up my chance to do so.

Kanvi is going to lecture me today.

"Back to earth kitten" Ashutosh said and I looked at him.

"L-listen I gotta go so leave my hand" I tried my best to say it humbly but the words came out a little rude.

"Ouch you were the one who bumped into me out of nowhere and now rather than saying sorry you are being rude that's very bad. You are a bad kitten" he said pushing a strand of my hair from my face and tugging it behind my ear.

"Listen I am sorry okay but I need to leave right now" I begged.

"On one condition" he said.

"And what is that condition?" I asked impatiently because I don't want Advik to see me with Ashutosh and start thinking that I am one of his girls.

"Give me your name" he said and I looked at him blankly.

"Chaya, Chaya Chatterjee now leave my hand" I said.

He left my hand and said "Chaya Raghuwanshi would sound better" saying that he winked at me. I took a breathe and started running towards the west side of the campus where my department was.

When I reached at my destination I got inside an empty classroom and sat on the desk. Calming myself I looked ahead and repeated the words in my mind that Ashutosh said to me 'Chaya Raghuwanshi would sound better' if only he knew that that's what I want. To be with Advik Raghuwanshi and be Chaya Advik Raghuwanshi. Ahhh I wish it becomes true.


After when the classes got over I reached to the shared apartment where me and Kanvi were living. It was a 2BHK apartment with a tiny backyard. Although it wasn't as fancy as my house in Delhi but it was just perfect for the both of us.

When I reached at the front door I saw what was lying there. A fresh bouquet of white roses just like the other days with a note. I picked up the bouquet and looked towards the road hoping I would find the person who was sending me these every single day. It started after the Freshers party at the university.

From that day this person has been sending me bouquets every single day and a note attached to it which either said 'I hope you had a great day' or 'Don't forget to take care of yourself'. Even though it is really sweet but it is getting a little creepy that's what I think. Kanvi thinks that I got myself a secret admirer who loves to send me bouquets. He even sent a giant teddy bear on my birthday which I donated because I hate stuff toys.

I opened the door and went inside the house. It's 4 o' clock so I think Kanvi would come back home after an hour. I sat on the couch in the living room and opened the note.

My whole body freezed and my blood turned cold when I read what was written in there.

It said

'Stay away from those brothers you belong to me and only me. So be a good girl and do what I say, okay princess.'

How did he even know? How did he get to know that I was with the Raghuwanshi brothers? I mean it was not like that I was with him. I encountered Ashutosh by accident when I went to meet Advik.

Is this guy spying on me? I tore the note, picked up the bouquet and threw it in the dustbin outside the house. Then I hurriedly got inside and locked the door. After that I locked the windows and the back door and turned off the lights of the whole house. And then I locked myself in my room.

This is not good. I have to tell Kanvi about this. I tried to find my phone but realised that I left it in the living room. I slowly opened the door of my room and slowly walked towards the living room.

It's fine it's fine noone is here Chaya. When I reached the living room the door bell rang.

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Thanks a lot for reading my work.

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