My info

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Full name: Zion de Nile-Wolf Stein

Dad: Deuce gorgon

Gender: female

Moms: Toralei Stripe, Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de nile, Lagoona Blue, Spectra, Draculaura, Twyla, Venus, Gigi, Operetta and Robecca, Jinafire, Skelita

Voice actor: Salena Qureshi (A/N: This is just what my character's voice is)

Quotes: Oh my Ra, My music can whoop y'all's music any day, Don't be a loser, be a re-user, I love lurking through Teen Scream Magazine at all the scary-cool fashions, Boys are so weird, and kind of adorable, Don't make me mad. I have a fiery temper, I was honored to receive a postcard from one of my uncles in Fanghai,"I'm dragging my tail today, literally, I'm haunted by design ideas for my scary-cool new line

(A/N: Yes that is a poly relationship for the parents please don't hate)

Age: 19

Phobia: Blood

Skills and abilities: Athleticism: She is extremely athletic and takes on the full power of athleticism. Without being in her werewolf form.

Human & Werewolf transformation: Since Zion is half-human, she can transform from a werewolf into a human. Zion transforms into a human when she feels strong emotions like fear, anger, nervousness, etc. Something that only the most powerful werewolves can do. Her powers will get weaker when she becomes a human again.

Werewolf instincts: Her whole life Zion has heard a voice, that she never quite understood until she was gifted the moonclaw talisman. Now her instincts give her guidence, such as when there's trouble or danger. Her instincts also directly show her where there is danger through a vision where she can feel the world around her. When her visions occur, she can run at the speed of light, to help those as quickly as possible

Acute sense of Smelling: She has an acute sense of smell when she's in her human form, but when she's in her werewolf form it increases.

Enhanced Hearing: Zion has a super sense of hearing.

Enhanced Strength: Zion is shown to be very strong naturally. With the moonclaw necklace, she is gained with extra strength.

Enhanced Speed: Zion can run at high speed

Vamp-ness Meter: Being a vegan and having a fear of blood, the energy she gains is from successes and feeling good about herself. This is how she prevents from decomposing without drinking any blood.

Vampire Powers: Being a vampire, Zion has many vampire powers.

Bat-changing: Zion is able to change into a bat at will.

Levitation: She can levitate at a small height without casting her spells, implying her mom taught her as a child.

Hanging from surfaces: Zion can hang from any ceiling no matter what material.

Flight: As a bat, Zion is able to fly/float.

Echolocation: Even as a bat, Zion is capable of delivering bat calls and listening to another bat's echolocation.

Music: She is a great singer and good pianist.

Painting: She's a fantastic painter and can make a wonderful self portrait of herself

Acting: Zion appears to be good at acting and can perform in plays with ease.

Magic and spell casting: Zion can cast magic and many kinds of spell.

Potion brewing: Zion is able to make magical potions.

Immortality: Like most undeads, she is immortal, meaning she can't get physically hurt. But Zion stores her organs in jars; being far away from her organs can cause problems.

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