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The first chapter is here.........Hope you like it...... please vote
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"Aaahhhh Aaaiii", ya that's me on the floor, you might think it's because I fell from the bed in my deep sleep but no it was my dumbass brother who just freaking kicked me off MY bed.

"Haha laaga kya? oops", the audacity....son of a bi- my Kaka (uncle).

"Shant reh samja", while warning him I tried sitting up on the bed glaring at that creature.
( haha you got hurt?oops)
(just keep quiet okay)

During our glaring competition, We heard the opening of the door...and the person entered "What is happening here, subhe subhe surru ho jate ho", aai (mom) spoke glaring at us
(What is happening here, you guys started this drama again in the morning)

I guess she is also participating in this glaring completion.

Seeing my golden opportunity I ran towards her, side hugging her "Aai look, he is kicking me off my bed", I complained smirking at that garbage in response he showed me his tongue.

"Oh aacha ji, you were the one who punched me first, saying OmG gEt oFf My BEd", Aai just laughed hearing him interpret my voice. I don't sound like that.

"I don't even speak that way for your kind information", he just laughed and spit "oh you do",can he just shut up "I don't", I am not giving up.

"well Fuc- fan off kar", He changed his words realising the third person present in the room, does he think he is a king or something, "Tu kar na tere pass haath nhi hai kya".
(Well Fuc-off the fan )
(Do it yourself, don't you have your hands)

"Enough now Aru go and take a bath and get ready, you have to reach college", as soon as she finishes speaking Prathamesh looked at me, I knew he would run towards the door, before replying to aai.

I just ran towards the bathroom and entered in, shuting the door on his face, "haha take that Prathuuuuu", I screamed from the other side of door.

Without caring for his reply I got bath and dressed.'s never too late to introduce myself right....Hii I am Aradhya Kulkarni, 21 years old..A normal girl living her normal life....Today is just an ordinary day in my life, getting kicked by that Dumbo, bathing, getting ready, eating and reaching college....I know it's boring.

"Behan aaj ke din bahar aaja" hearing prathu beg I came out ignoring the *can't even win in a race towards the bathroom person* glaring at me.
(Sister, are you going to come out today)

Standing in front of my mirror. I did my final touches, brushing my hair, applying minimal makeup, twirling ten times, flipping my waist length hair five times and lastly smiling three times at my reflection finally, I was ready.

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