{°•~^(chapter 6)^~•°}

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Seungbaes POV:

'after that day, i made sure to check out Oh Sangwoo's house often'

'just incase he forgets something..'

'but the longer i did that, the more impatient..'

'and daring i became..'

I stared at sangwoo's quite house as i tapped my fingers against the steering wheel impatiently as i watched the place with nothing happening or someone passing by

I made sure to keep my distance away to avoid suspicion's from him (oh sangwoo)

I sat there trying my best to contain myself from doing anything to that place as i then paused

My eyes widened a little when i saw sangwoo exiting his house "hm?"

"is he leaving..?" i muttered as i watched him take a look from left and right before walking away from his house..  I then checked my watch "3:30 p.m."




'i noticed on my every patrol that Oh Sangwoo would leave the house everyday at 3:30...' i thought as i continued on keeping my eye at him everytime i patrol everyday.. 'and return at 7:30'














M/n's POV:

I stared at my phone as the time slowly past by..

'it's already 7pm and hyung's still not home yet..' i thought to myself while staring at the empty place while sitting on thr couch at the living room

'his been coming home late for a while now isn't he..? Is he really that busy? How about i go visit him on his office tommorow.. Maybe also bring him some food..ah wait.. It's xday tommorow right?  So that means his not hoing to work tomorrow right? Ah.. Then maybe on the next day after tommorow' i thought to myself before going back to bed











•°the next day°•


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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