Chapter 20

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Author pov:

Jungkook realize her all pain. He is now cursing himself for torturing his love. His is regretting for making her his maid, making her cry, making her cry. He is feeling numb. Not only him also all members are feeling guilty especially Tae & Jimin bcz of them Jungkook beaten Sian & locked her in the basement. They are feeling bad for Sian after knowing her sad story. Jin 's doubt was true, he thought correctly about her. All hung line was right about her.

After 2min Jungkook stood up.

Jk: I need to go to her. She must be in pain.*teary eyes*

With that he run from there, but all his hyungs are shocked bcz they saw his teary eyes. Bcz Jk never cried.

They also decided to follow Jk.

Jungkook drive his car fast with his shaking hands. After sometime he reached there also his hyungs cars. Jungkook quickly get out from his car and run towards main door but before he could go inside he heard a thud sound & he stop there & also his hyungs.

Jungkook gulp & turn his head towards that side where that sound came. He & his hyungs become freeze in there place. Bcz they saw Sian is on the floor lying on her stomach & her head was bleeding, and her blood is coming out from her head.

Jungkook looks at her who is lying lifelessly on the floor with blood. He move his freeze body towards her body. He kneels & take her in his arms.

Jk:H... Hey... ba.. baby...... wake up... Plz open your eyes baby..... Plz... *tears are falling*

Jk patted her cheek but she didnt replied. He move his shaking hand towards her nose. He feel that her breathing are very slow.


JK quickly nodded & carried her in bridal style. His white shirt is now cover with her blood. They all sit in a car. Jin bandage a handkerchief on her head to stop blood.

While Jungkook is crying continuously. His tears betraying him today. Guilt is now eating him. His love is now lying in his arms with her blood. He kill her.

They reached their private hospital & all doctor take her inside a room for start her treatment. All doctors are ready bcz before reaching there Yoongi called then to get ready.

Jungkook is now sitting on the chair on this hospital corridor. He is crying. He face-palm & cry more.

He is feeling pain in his heart

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He is feeling pain in his heart. He was so blind in revenge that he didn't notice her behavior, her talking, her nature everything. Now he is feeling to kill himself for hurting the girl who is his love.

Jk: I love her hyung. *whisper *

Yoongi : We know bcz your eyes are telling that.

Jhope: Jungkook why you ra.... raped her when you said that you dont want to touch her then?

Jk: I dont know hyung. Yesterday i was edge on my hormones. I cant controlled myself yesterday night. I.... i *cry*i dont know what happened to me yesterday. *cry*

All his hyungs understand that something is wrong bcz Jungkook isnt a person who force girls to sleep with him. He can feel something is not right. Jin just patted his shoulder.

Jin : Everything will be ok. Hmm... dont worry.

Yoongi : Just pray for her. *whisper *

-------After 1 hour-------

Doctor come out from Operation room. Jungkook quickly go toward him.

Jk: How.. how is my Sian?*red teary eyes*

Doc: Mr. Jeon she lost lot of blood. Her head hit very hard. Its damage her brain's cells & tissues . We operated her now for 24 hours is very risky for her if she didnt wake up in this 24 hours then...

Hobi : Then what?

Doc : She will go inside Coma state.

Jungkook stumble & Taehyung hold him. Jungkook feel numb, his legs giving up.

Doc : We noticed many bruises on her body. Her hands are injured. I hope you all understand whats i mean. *lower his head*

Jk : I want to meet her.

Doc: Sure you can Mr. Jeon.

With his shaking self He goes inside the room.

He looks at her, who is lying on the bed lifeless with many wires on her body

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He looks at her, who is lying on the bed lifeless with many wires on her body. He go toward her & sit on the stood near her bed.

He look at her beautiful face which he love to stare at every time.Her head is cover with a bandage. He hold her hand & peak it.

Jk : Love plz wake up. I love you *cry*today i understand what is love. Plz wake up Sian. Im sorry for everything. Im sorry gor everything. Plz wake up & give me chance. Plz.... im sorry for treating you like a trash. *cry*i fall in love with you when i saw you for the first time when you was standing on the living room while wearing a beautiful wedding dress. At that time my heart started beat for you. But fool me didnt realized that.,just ignored my feelings for you.*cry*im sorry..... plz wake up... I promise i will mske everything right. I will show you my love,care everything.

He cried & hug her, cried loudly.

Jk: plz wake up. *sniff*

After sometime he broke the hug & caress her hairs. His eyes darkened & said.

Jk: I will make them regret. Im not gonna spare them. I will make their life hell..... Love i promise i will make them regret for everything whats they done with you. *dark voice*

Jungkook 's dark self is now coming out for his revenge, now he is going to make them cry, make them bleed. He is not going to spare them now for sure.

Now his Veganza is going to ruin them mercilessly......

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