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2 October 09:34pm

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2 October 09:34pm

it's already october
is everything okay on your end?
you haven't texted like you usually do

15 October 10:15pm

i'm genuinely concern
but let me not spam you
take your time, i'll be here

28 October 08:45pm

hey Riki :)
sorry i went awol

is everything okay?
where have you been?

ah it's been a rough month
lost my dear grandma earlier
this month so we've been
travelling the past few weeks.

i'm sorry for your loss
my deepest condolences
to you and your family

thank you, on the brighter
side, she's in a better place
now so that comforts me.

she is in a better place.
i'm sure she'd want you to
be happy with all the
memories you got to share
with her in this lifetime

you're making me want
to take back my words

wait, sorry
did i say something wrong?

noo, i remember saying
you suck at comforting
people, i take that back.

you scared me for a sec there
yk that's why you shouldn't
judge people so quickly

back to your usual self, i see

but on a serious note, i'm
here if you need anyone
i mean i don't judge

you're unbelievable lol
but thanks, i'm gradually starting
to accept that's just how life is.
how cruel though

right, that's life for us
you go through losses, heartbreaks
or something stressful and you think
you'll never make it through
but you're suddenly in a good place
one fine day and look back and
realise those situations made you
stronger and happier even

i'm starting to think you're
an old wise man stuck in a
teenager's body

i just got the word 'wise'
from whatever you typed
so thanks i guess

of course you did lol
how's it going with you?
it's really been a while

we cut down a little on the
gaming since we have to take
the csat unfortunately

if that's the case, how
have you been studying?
it's in five days

i've been too busy worrying
about a certain texting buddy
of mine, you know

( "he was just worried, nothing else" jiwoo reassured herself as she felt a warm fuzzy feeling settle in her tummy reading the text. The last time she felt that way, it surely didn't end well.)

csat isn't a joke please
i'm stressed out even
thinking about it

you know thinking about it
won't do you any good right?

yeah well i've been told
but i just can't help it

this is why i get worried
about my texting buddy

but why?
apart from the stress, she
seems like a pretty cool person

you think so?
mm i don't know about that
i missed her while she was
away so maybe she is


Author's note 💌:
Rizzki is making his return y'all. I keep saying this but if you're still here reading fortuity, just know i'm so glad and shooting virtual hearts your way!

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