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it's been months since wei wuxian and lan wangji are living together. Their life was peaceful at least for wei wuxian but not for lan wangji , he is stressed because he couldn't seem to find any information about the stalker and also he peng is asking him progress almost daily , giving him headaches.

Their relationship also progressed a lot but lan wangji didn't cross the line he thought he will first tell his girlfriend about that pet explain everything then ask her if she trust him enough for next step.

Wei ying's Pov

well well life has been too good lately, Lan zhan is always near me he doesn't even leave me for a second , pulling me whenever he want for a kiss. But he also doesn't cross his line although I get his point that he respect me and my opinions and would like to ask me before going further but if he won't ask me how should I tell him that I want more ??? But there is one suspicious thing , that stalker hasn't showed for a while I always look here and there if he is stalking me but I don't find him anywhere. I think lan zhan knows about him because he seems happy but stressed too or maybe I think too much but whatever.

Author's pov

Wei ying was laying near rabbits in college.  It was her secret lay out , she likes to spend time there but she suddenly hear some noises.

He peng"  That wei ying is so stubborn "
Meng yao" why? she didn't sleep with him yet?"
he peng " of course , whenever I ask lan wangji if he had slept with her , he always say that she doesn't agree and asking for more time , like who the fuck even dare to deny LAN WANGJI!!! If not for lan wangji making bet I would have already slept with her by sweet words or by force !!!"
meng yao" calm down lan wangji is a great player I guess although he hadn't done anything like this before I am sure he is good at  this thing too!"
he peng " I hope so, I wouldn't want to wait for that wei ying to know her place . I forced lan wangji to take step so he said he would take her to a waterfall today he will fuck her there in open and we will make video , I am very excited!!!!"

Their conversation were ringing in wei ying's head she felt like she was stuck by lightning.
Did lan wangji really cheated her like that? That smile, kisses, hugs, possessive nature,  his constant worry for her all of these are fake?
Did lan wangji really doing this because of the bet? Tears welled up in her eyes she silently started crying, she was trying to think rationally but she couldn't. After a long crying session she got call from lan wangji saying he finished his classes and would like to go home with her.
She started thinking. Lan wangji didn't told her he would take her to any waterfall yesterday , when she asked for a plan for tommorow he said just study. Also didn't he peng said that I am refusing to sleep with him but he didn't even ask for the first place!!!! maybe maybe they are wrong. I shouldn't trust the third person over my boyfriend right? but also meng yao said that lan wangji is a good player what if he is actually playing with her??? All these thoughts were repeating on loop in her head as she was walking toward entrance she suddenly decided to test lan wangji,  Let's see what he will do , I trust him he wouldn't do anything like this.

Lan wangji saw wei ying was walking toward car but she seemed a  bit off?? so he asked her
" my beautiful what happened? why are you like this?"
" nothing"
" wouldn't you tell your boyfriend ? I am here to share your burden, did thay stalker again appeared when I wasn't around?"
" No" he seems so worried about me he couldn't be fake right?

Wei ying Waited and waited but she doesn't think lan wangji actually had the mood to ask her for going on a date near waterfall. But she must test him!!!
" Lan zhan "
" let's go on a date"
" okay but we will come back soon it's your exam soon you need to study so tell me where do you want to go"?

" let's go near paradise waterfall" She said and watched a deep frown appear on lan wangji's head.
" why there?"
" I heard it is a beautiful place "
" can we go somewhere else? I will take you there someday but not today can we ?"
" No I just want to go there" why is he even denying me . I am making his work easier, he wouldn't want to do it or the plan changed?
After who knows what long time lan wangji finally said "mn"

Now they are near the waterfall, Wei ying's heart was heavy she was he peng earlier , he was very excited , wei ying and lan wangji was walking near water when Wei ying suddenly pulled him for a kiss.
Lan wangji was too shocked to do anything and there he peng hiding was excited thinking that it's finally happening!!

Lan wangji and Wei ying were kissing each other with passion , wei ying mumbled against his lips" make me yours lan zhan right here right now"
Lan wangji was shocked to the core, He very much wanted to have sex with her and now she is saying it he lost control and pressed her against nearby rock and started kissing her furiously.
Wei ying was already close to crying thinking that her boyfriend was faking everything she was about to pull away and confront him but suddenly lan wangji pulled away.

Lan wangji was so lost in kissing but suddenly remembered the trouble maker he peng so he pulled away from wei ying and said" if you want to be mine let's go home, it's not safe here"

why lan zhan is denying? Maybe he wants to gain my trust? Or he really isn't doing anything? So she said" why not safe? there is no one here , I don't want to wait!"
Lan zhan chuckled and tightened his hold on her waist " why so impatient? Don't worry when we get back home I will fuck you so hard you wouldn't be able to stand tommorow " he whispered and dragged her away from there.

Wei ying's happiness has no boundaries , she was happy very happy , apparently her boyfriend isn't betraying her.

Lan wangji made her sit in car and he suddenly thought to deal with he peng right here so that he wouldn't make trouble in future.

Lan wangji said" wait in Car, I am coming "
Of course Wei ying wouldn't listen to him anyway she jumped out of car and followed him.

He peng" she was offering herself to you, why didn't you had sex with her? Are you fucking nuts Lan wangji?!!!"

" have sex with her there so that you can record and post it , he peng she is my girlfriend I love her and certainly I wouldn't do anything like that!!! So better treat my girlfriend with respect in future or I won't hesitate to kick your ass!!"

" I will be waiting for your trouble"

Wei ying heard the conversation and couldn't help but jump in joy.So his boyfriend isn't betraying her. He really loves her if so why Lan wangji made bet?? She will ask him soon.

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