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makayla pulled her luggage along behind her, her huge handbag resting on her shoulder. seeing as she was moving to a different state, she didn't have many belongings but she honestly just couldn't be bothered with packing. she just shoved all of her favourite things into a suitcase, and that was it.

she didn't really want anything from connecticut anyway. she was moving to boston to start fresh, to forget everything that had happened to her. she was twenty years old, but she decided that her life was beginning now - the last few years had been nothing but pain, and the cherry on the top was finding her now ex boyfriend in bed with her now ex best friend.

she shook the memory from her thoughts, looking up at the building in front of her. it had taken her a while to find it - she didn't realise just how big the college was - but she was finally here. she entered and climbed into the elevator, clicking the button to the fifth floor. 

she stepped out, walking along the hall until she arrived outside of her new bedroom door. she put her key into the lock, but was surprised to see it was already unlocked. she knew she would be sharing, but she didn't expect her room mate to be there already. she pushed open the door, expecting to see a girl standing there, but was met with a guy, texting on his phone.

he looked up when he saw makayla and smiled lightly. ''hey.''

''hey.'' she replied in confusion, looking behind her for a moment. ''is your girlfriend my roommate? 

''my girlfriend?''

''yeah. i don't have a problem with you being here, but i'd like to meet my actual roommate before her boyfriend.''

''uh...i'm your roommate.''

her eyes narrowed in confusion. ''no.''

''i'm not good enough for you?'' he asked, offence evident in his tone.

''i're a boy.''


''and i'm a girl.''

''what's your point here?''

''what if you like...assault me in the night or something?''

''what?!'' he asked, his jaw dropping.

''i'm just saying real possibilities here, man!'' she protested. ''cut me some slack!''

''but i won't do that.''

''but you could.''

''but i won't.''

''but you could.''

''but i won't.''


''okay!'' he exclaimed, cutting her off. ''well, you have nothing to worry about, weird girl, because i'm gay.'' 

she paused, a smirk on her face. ''what if you see me in my hot pajamas and it converts you?''

he looked at her in disbelief. ''i have a boyfriend.''

''people cheat.''

''maybe your boyfriend cheated on you, but i would never do that.''

her mouth dropped. ''are you stalking me or something?''

''you're just easy to read.'' he shrugged before scoffing. ''i don't even know your name! how could i be stalking you?!''



the pair shook hands, a small smile on both of their faces. they moved away and makayla let the handbag fall from her arm. she collapsed onto her bed, a huge sigh leaving her mouth. she stared up at the ceiling, letting the feelings wash over her. she was so proud of herself - she had managed to move to a completely new state, and she was about to have the best time ever. 

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now