Chapter 40

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One year and five months later

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One year and five months later... Nevada, Las Vegas

We raised our glasses, toasting to the host of the night. I brought my glass back down and took a sip of the champagne. The fizzy liquid tickled the roof of my mouth.

Jess's arm hung around the back of my chair, his body stiff in front of everyone, including his father. I placed my hand on his bicep, squeezing it, "just relax."

His father stepped down from the stage after giving a tirelessly long yet heartfelt speech. The whole room applauded, probably because the speech was finally over. The clapping echoed off the walls, with a few cheers from the audience. I looked around the large space filled with too many people to count. A large crystal chandelier sprouting with mini ones hung from the tall ceiling, reflecting the large golden lights.

When Jess asked me to be his date for a small event, I think he severely downplayed how "small" the event would be. Some of the world's powerful people stood in this room. Rows of seats that wrapped around the room were filled, and not a single person missing.

Jess and I stood up when we saw his father walking in our direction. I placed my arm in the crook of his elbow, leaning in closer to him. Jess armored himself with a smile on his face, ready to face the dragon he calls Dad.

His dad nodded, an impassive look on his face. "Son," he acknowledged him. I mentally rolled my eyes at the formality.

Jess and I met only a few months ago when college first started. He was one of those preppy kids who comes from a family where his trust fund was established before he was even born. I didn't realize how powerful and well-known his father was until I saw his name on the door when we walked in.

Jess was one of the most humble people I've met which was mostly why we clicked in the first place. My roommate Erica dragged me to a party the second night and Jess sat on a couch in the middle of the room, completely in his own world. When I sat down next to him he almost immediately opened up and I was blessed with the chance to see how down to earth he was.

I only knew a little about his father and that he forced his son under high expectations and impossible responsibilities. The least I could do was be the man's date. After all, we were friends. I stood in a gold-colored dress my friend Erica lent me earlier. I had absolutely nothing to wear when Jess first invited me. My hair was straightened and curled at the ends, parted at the side, and stopped a smidge below my shoulders.

"Hello Father, this is my friend Jade," he introduced me.

I smiled politely, greeting him properly. "Nice to meet you."

He nodded towards me with a tight smile and turned his attention back to his son. "May I have a word with you in private?" He looked back at me on his arm. I took a step back, releasing him from my grip. Jess looked back at me to make sure I would be okay alone. I nodded, shooing him off and walking back to my chair.

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