I'm Just Taylor

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"Wow, she's smaller than she looks on T.V"

The woman places her palm flat on the top of my head and I shift to swat her hand away

"And look at that ass!" She slaps my ass

"No one touches my ass without permission" I yell at her "Do you know how much it's insured for?!"

She ignores me and slaps it again and I raise my hand and strike her hard against her cheek, she screams loudly before throwing herself at me causing us both to tumble to the ground and we are so close to the outdoor pool it's a surprise neither of us are swimming instead of fighting right now

Her hands grab at my hair and my nails scratch at her face as we both scream abuse at each other but it's not long before long fingers wrap around my arms as the Irishman grabs hold of my assailant

"Mom!" the brunette yells and i spin in his arms

"Mom?" I question loudly "Well that explains a lot"

"Don't start" he dares me

"Don't try to stop me" I warn back

"Well isn't this cute?" Says a deep voice with the hint of an accent that's dressed like a pantomime mafia don and walking slowly around the pool towards us

"She's anything but cute" grumbles the brunette, his hands still on my arms holding me in place

"Taylor Swift,  welcome to Canada"

"I hate it here already" I huff and try to wriggle out of the hands that are holding me too tight "I bruise easily!" I tell him and he loosens his grip ever so slightly but doesn't let me go

"I see you have met my wife and my son Travis"

"Yeah and I hate them too!"

"Such attitude for one so small"

"You haven't seen anything yet" my 'captor' tells his father and I finally pull free of his grip and cross my arms furiously over my chest whilst I stick out a hip and give 'Travis' a serious case of side eye

"Well, there you go, Niall and I went, we collected and now we will leave"

Travis and Niall turn and seem eager to get away but just as they begin to move his fathers hand comes down on his shoulder and I see his chin drop to his chest

"Travis, I'm putting you in charge of our little 'star' here"

"Dad come on, I'm anything but a babysitter. Can't someone else do it?"

"I don't trust anyone else, you're my son and as my son you will do as I say"

"And as your son I am begging you do not land me with her. She's an egotistical maniac and I can't promise I won't kill her"

I smile at his description of me but smile even bigger seeing how much of a panic he's in at the thought of being stuck with me

"You can both move into the pool house"

"The pool house?! Dad this is a kidnapping not a fuckin summer vacation"

"Might as well treat her right, she's about to make us very, very rich. Anything she wants Travis..."

His dad turns and begins to walk away, his wife scurrying behind him

"Don't fuckin say that to her!"

"Watch your language Trav" his mother scolds as he grips his hair and then kicks the nearest wall

"Anything I want Trav"

"Fuck you Swift!"

"Watch your language Trav"

I giggle loudly as he kicks the wall again and then spins around, grabs my arm and drags me past the pool to what I assume is our pool house.


"No one even knows that I'm missing??!" I storm around the large bedroom I had demanded be mine and never take my eyes from the screen

When I had turned the tv on naturally I had expected every channel to be covering the kidnapping of global superstar and style icon Taylor Swift but instead there's nothing! Just a story about a virus that's been found in China.

A virus!!!

Where the fuck are my headlines?!

Where are the worried fans and the vigils?!

Where's Caleb sobbing for my safe return?!

"No one gives a fuck eh?" The brunette leaning against the door frame of my room and grinning down at me is about 5 seconds from getting my sneaker to his dick

"They mustn't know yet" I huff and then drop down heavily onto the bed

"But you've been gone for hours, surely there must be someone out there that cares enough about you to report you missing"

He's grinning and I'm imagining what he would look like without teeth once I punch him in his stupid looking, Maple syrup munching face

I'm Taylor Swift, surely someone has realised I'm missing, surely someone cares enough to call the cops.

"Maybe they are pleased to have the peace and quiet and they won't miss you at all and as someone that has known you less than a day I can see why they would be pleased to see you gone and never come back"

He chuckles as he leaves the room and I curl up in the fetle position and push my thumb into my mouth

I'm Taylor Swift.

The world loves me

My fans scream for me and faint when they see me

My used water bottles sell for hundreds on eBay

Surely someone cares enough to miss me

I look up at the screen still showing the news and it's still on about a virus, not even a whisper of my name

I'm Taylor Swift...

I'm Taylor Swi...

Who am I kidding? I'm just Taylor and I have been kidnapped and by the looks of it not one person that I know cares enough to realise I have been taken

Tears roll down my face as I realise just as I have been since I first found fame at 10 years of age I'm all alone. I might have money and game and houses and cars but I still don't have one person in the world that cares

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