Once Again.

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Brown hair, amber eyes and soft, delicate skin, a not-so-wrong way to describe the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. At the same time, a very lazily and bland description of the already retired Geo Archon, God of Contracts and Liyue's Father. That was the exact same man who was now walking towards his neighbour's city, homeland of wind and freedom, poetry and romance. Also known as the home of the noisiest and definitely most annoying Archon among The Seven, of course. A sigh left his lips, erasing the anemo god from his mind. Without even noticing, he was already in front of the bridge that leaded to the small and warm city, a kid staring at him with his doves' army fluttering around. “Mondstadtiens have always been a little... weird”, he couldn't help but giggle, so quietly and discreetly that only the wind could heard it.

He kept walking with his hands clasped behind his back, always feeling that kid staring at him warily. He avoided scaring the doves in order to fulfill the kid's silent request, looking at him smile when he finally reached the end of the bridge. The guards working at the gate greeted him, but he didn't stop until he arrived to rhe Angel's Share. That place was actually an excuse used as his reason to visit Mond, only a facade about tasting the new drinks of the recent event. Besides, just an innocent detail, he was aware of the fact that the Traveler was the current bartender, which meant he would be able to at least exchange a few words with her. Of course, Hu Tao's request was also involved.

Nevertheless, even if nothing of his to-do list was a lie, it wasn't the complete and real truth which only Buer would ever known about. And, well, maybe the wind would be able to know, too. The truth was very simple; rumours about Barbatos' awakening were travelling around Teyvat, even reaching the Cryo Archon's ears. He obviously was the first one to confirm this events, feeling once again the vitality the wind gave him, just like in the old days. He just needed that and a little chat with his disciple to know that Barbatos was back, but refusing to pay him a visit. Why, would you ask? According to Xiao, Barbatos was the one who went after him last time, and considering the special occasion, Morax should be the one travelling for once. Plus, he owed him an apology.

Taking that into consideration, he couldn't loose much time into the tavern. Even if that was the anemo archon's favourite place, he already knew that the wind had informed him about the dragon's arrival. Not much time passed since he took a sit until the Traveler appeared at his side, holding a cup full of tea and looking as if she had found her twin.

— Zhongli? – she blinked a couple of times, as if it was impossible to encounter him there – why are you in Mondstadt?

— Good to see you, Lumine. Director Hu Tao asked me to come and “expand the business”. I believe she's trying to add catering into the Parlor's services' list..

— Sometimes it seems like Hu Tao thinks funerals and parties are the same – Paimon appeared out of nowhere, floating next to her companion –, don't you think so, Traveler?

— Just let her be, Paimon.. let her be.

With that, she handed him the drink and excused herself, not having much time because of all the customers into the tavern. Zhongli was left alone, with his own thoughts and all the strangers' chats as company. He had to admit that Mondstadt was a nice nation. He would never say it in front of Barbatos, tho.

Staring at his tea, he waited for a sign, the most minimum that could be sent. Just then, after a duel of glances against the liquid in the cup, he was able to see how it moved, slowly and slightly, showing him a heart's shape. He couldn't help but smile fondly as red covered his cheeks, leaving not much later and letting him drink his tea without feeling the warm heat on his face. Considering it was made by a mere beginner, he had to admit it wasn't bad at all, although the wind could have given it a slightly special taste. He could feel the bartender's confused gaze towards him, probably because of his “who blinks first” little session from earlier. He obviously ignored her, it was the best choice for everyone.

— You're wrong, Xiao, I don't love him.

— Master, the wind can hear you, why are you saying such things?

To protect him. I just wanted to leave him away of the conflict and keep him safe, keep him from getting into something that didn't involve him just because I was there. Even so, it was all in vain, I don't know what happened, but my lies were all useless. He wasn't supposed to get involved, he had to stay aside, follow my instructions for once, I-

I made him believe it was all a lie.

And now, feeling his absence, the love I obliged myself to hide only wishes to cry, to turn into a bloody waterfall and escape from my heart as a thousand words, every single one addressed to him. However, even if I myself wanted to, I forbid it, because shouting it to the wind wouldn't be the same as reciting it to him.

— Everything you told him.. it was a lie, wasn't it?

— Of course it was, Ei.

And guilt and disgust now take over me and my own words, because they didn't fulfill their purpose but stayed there as a hateful truth, even when they weren't and would never be. They stayed there, written in the wind, as the signing of an eternal contract, highlighted in thicker font in order to improve its calligraphy but not its content.

— And I regret it, more than I have ever regretted something.

But it was useless, the wind had already died and couldn't hear him anymore, because his loved one was now sleeping.

He was sleeping, and even if it would be his fault, his biggest concern was that once he awakened, he wouldn't love him anymore.

On his way to Starsnatch Cliff, no-one came to attack him, neither monster nor human. He then pretended, with a fond and soft smile on his face, not to notice the wind throwing away anyone who dared to get close to him while carrying bad intentions. He decided to act like he had never noticed it, even if it was a clear lie that he would quickly accept. The beating in his chest accelerated at the thought that he was waiting for him, that he would greet him once again. Even so, his steps remained calm, because the wind would notice if they didn't.

Finally, once he reached the edge of the cliff, he watched the stars and the moon as well. They were shining, some of them more than the others, as if they had been waiting for him, waiting for a reunion. “I'm sorry, forgive me, qīn'ài de” he whispered, ending with the debt he had to pay in order to see him. He stood there, stunned, his gaze lost in the sky, not leaving his thoughts for a few minutes. He only woke up when someone fell from the heavens, straight into his arms and straight over his lips. Someone who he knew even more than himself, who he had shared more than two millennia of life with, the same someone who enveloped with warmth with the wind, but even more with his own, delicate arms.

— Barbatos, you're back.

It was the only sentence that left his throat, resting his head on the other's shoulder, still holding him tight. Finally, after uncountable centuries, he had came back to him.

— Don't even dare to leave again.

They stared at each other's eyes, amber meeting emerald for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

— And allow you to be free of me? I could never.

His lips met again, craving for each other's warmth, compensating their absence for endless centuries.

Morax didn't need anything else.

And, if it were up to him, he would stay there for the rest of his life, as an evidence that Barbatos had returned, spreading his wings and flying to him.

- "Flying to You". ; Zhongven.Where stories live. Discover now