Baking with Tam on Christmas

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Inspired by @Zstuckey11

She helped give me an idea and I'm super grateful! Credit of the idea goes to her!

- Ever since Sophie had introduced you to Christmas, you had always wanted to bake together with Tam. But instead of the usual mallowmelt and toasty turnovers, you decided to 

Christmas-fy them

-At first you had no clue of how to make them Christmas themed, you decided to ask Sophie to talk to Amy and her about what you could do. Amy popped onto the screen of the Imparter and the three of you had a long chat about human and elf food. Finally, after a long time of talking, you had the perfect idea, but you needed an extra pair of hands.

So, you dragged Tam into it.

- Tam, who was peacefully sleeping was awakened by his girlfriend's whines and her tugging on his arm. He grumpily got up and threw a pillow at you, while asking you what you wanted. You excitedly explain to him about your plan and at first he seemed a little hesitant, but your insistence persisted and you won him over.

-You drag Tam to the kitchen, that was spotless, but there was no guarantee that it would stay that way.

- After grabbing all the necessary ingredients and equipment, you grabbed an apron for you and your grumpy bf and got ready to bake. 


Also, I'm not sure about baking too much, I've only ever baked cake, from pre-made flour. 


- After what seemed to be many, many hours for Tam, the baking was finished. You brought the hot tray out and the little mallowmelts had been made to look like little trees and ornaments as well as the toasty turnovers became red and white, with miniature stars.

- You were so EXCITED to try them out, even Tam was as well. The minute they became ready to eat, you broke one in half to share with Tam. The toasty turnovers were gooey, stretchy, and super cheesy. The mallowmelt now had some peppermint in it, making it cool and crunchy in certain areas.

- You decided to bring some for your friends to enjoy, and boy did they love it. Keefe was whining that Tam took the last toasty turnover, which led to a small fuss, but nothing you couldn't handle, I mean, it's the Keeper Gang.

Linh thought they were so good, Sophie was enjoying them blissfully, Fitz was nodding his head in approval, Biana was gushing how cute they look, Jensi was getting way to hyper, Marella was munching on them happily with Maruca and Wylie was happily packing some for his dad and Tiergan.

- But one thing was for sure, your were definitely baking these again.

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