Sledding with Tam and the Crew!

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Why does that guy look like Tam just without silver bangs and silver blue eyes!?

EDIT : For @Zstuckey11 cause she gave me the idea :)

-Sophie decided to teach you all more about what humans do during the winter time. So far everything has been super fun and you all loved every one of them, well maybe not the caroling one but that's for another time.

-After telling your parents about where you were headed, you grabbed your bag and left Moonglade. Somehow, she managed to convince Mr. Forkle and the Collective to allow you and the rest of them to go to the human cities.

-And she convinced Sandor too, we don't know how, so you be the detectives and figure out.

-The group that was going with you were:












-Elwin - yes I know, he came in case anyone got hurt. Which is very likely with this group, he says.

-Sandor (of course)

-Grizel :)

-After light-leaping to a human city called Toronto, which was in a human country named "Canada". There was snow EVERYWHERE.

I live in Canada, but there has been no snow yet, just a tiny bit. :(

But my dad I think is more glad cause he doesn't have to shovel the snow, even though I said I would do it. XD

-The hills were covered in fresh, soft, cold snow and some trees had dangling icicles from their branches. Tam grabbed your hand and brought you to see them up close. Just as the two of you were about to grab one, Sophie called everyone over and showed everyone what a "sled" was.

-You just looked at it funny, what was so fun about some wood curved into a weird shape? She began explaining and the more she did, the more you understood and soon was excited to try it out. 

-First you started by yourself, everyone tried it a couple times themselves, even Sandor and Grizel tried it themselves, which was hilarious to watch. There was a slight hiccup when Keefe "accidently" rammed into you causing you to tip over into the snow. For you it was cold, yet fun. 

-Yet for Tam, not so much, Linh and Wylie had to hold him back before he clobbered Keefe for doing that to his girlfriend, once he calmed down, he ran over to you and checked if you were okay, despite your protests saying you were fine. 

-Now, Sandor and Grizel were watching from under a tree and you and the gang were going two per sled down the hills. You beckoned to Tam and he happily went with you. It was so much fun, the cold air in your face, Tam's arms around your waist and the two of laughing while sliding down.

-After this, you all jumped back to Dex's place for a final hangout before everyone went home. His mom made cinnacreme for everyone and while drinking yours, you spot Tam smiling while gazing at you, making you smile and gently poke his cheek, making him snap out of it, blushing slightly.

-Later, you bid farewell to the others and head home with Tam holding your hand.

More snow and Christmas chapters on the way!

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