It all started with a bowl of noodles.

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This is for my friend Zstuckey11 who needs some comfort (check her announcements)

With a side of mallowmelt and a sparkling lushberry juice enjoy this oneshot girl!

Before you two met.....

H/L - hair length

H/C - hair color

S/C - skin color

Tam didn't like the Lost Cities. Sure he was born there and his friends and sister were there. But for him, the human world was best for trying to think, explore and actually enjoy his time. Yes he enjoyed being with the others but he wanted to have some alone time. 

But he didn't know what his next trip would change......


Tam decided to visit Chinatown this time, when he went to the human world. He had been wanting to visit ever since he walked by, bright, colorful and very yummy smelling! He light-leaped and got there around morning, the shops were opening up and everyone was preparing. 

He walked around a while before looking at a nearby shop and double taking. There was a girl there, she had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (S/C). But he knew her.

She was from Foxfire, he sat next to her in Agriculture and trained with her in Shade Class. But what was she doing here? He watched her for several minutes and realized what he was doing and decided to talk to her.

He walked up to her and stood beside her looking at the menu. He ordered one dumpling tray and turned to her.

"Hi, um Y/N isn't it?" he asked. The young woman looked up, startled and then blushed and nodded.

"Tam, right?" she asked back. He nodded and looked at her face. Her cheeks were red and flushed due to the cold weather. He racked his brain to try and figure out what to say next.

"What did you um order?" he asked after a few minutes. Y/N looked at the kitchen where the chef was coming out with the food.

"You're about to find out." she replied, with a small smile. The two went to the tables and chose a table near the back. The chef came over with a hot bowl of noodles and a plate of crispy veggie and shrimp dumplings. The noodles had some slices of char siu and some fish cakes, along with some greens on top and hot steaming broth.

(Not gonna lie i was craving this)

Tam looked at her food, it looked amazing. She caught him looking and laughed, and asked if he wanted some. He looked slightly flustered but agreed to share food. The two ate and chatted for a while.

Turns out she also came here to have some alone time and have fun. Her life in the elven world was okay, but she lived there her whole life and with so many rules and restrictions she just couldn't do what she wanted to do.

Tam agreed and sympathized with her, after they finished the noodles there was 1 dumpling left. Tam was eyeing and so was Y/N. When he saw her grab it he began chasing her around.

"Give it back!" he protested, but the young woman laughed and ran out of the restaurant after leaving some money to pay. Tam quickly paid and chased her through the red and gold lit streets. 

Sure enough he caught up and cornered her. 

"You know, your paying for that next time." he teased. She smiled mischievously.

"Was that a date, I hear you suggesting?" she teased back. Tam blushed and looked at her.

"I guess so...." he mumbled, the young woman blushed and gently poked his face.

"Well, I'd love to go on a date with you Tam Song." she said. Tam looked up shocked, then a smile.

"I'd like that." he replied.

And the two of them walked down the red and gold cobbled street together.......


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