Chapter 1 - The Beginning.

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Izuku sat in a hospital bed. Not an overly unusual occurance, but usually his mom would be the nurse caring for him. This time, she was in her own hospital bed. And it was likely she'd never leave it alive.

Less than two hours ago, he had been enjoying a nice shopping trip with her, but of course a villain had to attack. And of course the heroes had to watch from the sidelines as the small family was caught in crossfire.

He had come to the realisation that he'd never talk to his mom again, she would never be able to smile at his dreams of becoming a hero, or make him Katsudon after a particularly upsetting day at school. He had come to terms with it. Somewhat.

He heard a knock on his door, looking up swiftly, he saw none other then Mitsuki and Katsuki Bakugou walk in, their faces flat and filled with concern. Izuku perked up at the sight of Katsuki. The only other pillar in his life. The blonde was loud, and aggressive, but he never even thought of harming Izuku. 'A hero helps, not hurts.' He always said.

"Izuku... We heard about you and Inko..." Mitsuki spoke softly. "I'm so sorry..."

He smiled at her, the bright expression not quite meeting his eyes. "Thank you, Auntie."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room, before Mitsuki walked out, muttering about checking up on Inko. Katsuki stayed.

"Hey nerd. How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I didnt get badly hit. Just a small scar. It'll heal in a few days."

"And Auntie...?"

"She's not gonna make it. She got directly hit, and lost a lot of blood before we got to the hospital."

Katsuki fell silent, the weight of his best friends situation hitting him like a truck.

"Y-Youre welcome to stay with us if you'd like...?"

Izuku smiled. Not his usual cheery smile, or even the fake one he put on to make everything seem okay. This one... Was darker. Sadder. Different.

"You know, Kats. I really hate how society has become."

"Uh... What do you mean?"

"The heroes. The people that are meant to protect the innocent, and save lives. They stood to the side as my mother got hurt. They didn't call for help until it was too late."

He paused, Katsuki felt his body become a little colder with each word.

"Did you know that most villains were victims or abuse, bullying, or neglect as kids? Thats a real statistic. I found it while searching on villain forums." Izuku continued, the same dull smile on his face. Katsuki decided to ignore the fact that his friend was messing around on villain sites.

"Zuku...? What are you implying...?" He asked hesitantly.

"I'm running away, Kats. As soon as i'm healed, i'm out of here. Mom wont live, I know that. Child Services will be itching to throw me into foster care, and I dont want to burden your family. I dont expect you to follow me. Live your dream, become a hero. I know you'll be a good one. I'll watch from the sidelines."

"What!? You cant run away!? Izuku! We'll care for you! You wont be a burden! Seriously, think about this! If you run away, you'll become a missing persons case, you wont be able to get into UA! You wont... What am I supposed to be without you, huh!?"


Katsuki huffed, tears starting to form in his eyes. "What will you do? You aren't... Gonna be a villain, are you?"

"No, of course not. Dont cry, Kats. I dont know what i'll do yet, but I wont be a villain. I promise."

"I'm not crying, stupid nerd..."

A heavy silence filled the room again. Eventually, Mitsuki came back to collect Katsuki, her expression even graver then before. They said their goodbyes and parted ways.

Katsuki started thinking lf ways to convince Izuku to stay with him, while Izuku started forming a plan.

A/N: Hello everyone! A few little notices before we end this chapter-
First off, I didn't bother proof reading this, so expect typos and stuff lol.

Second, Sorry that this is (a) dialogue heavy, and (b) short af. I promise I planned to make this longer, and have less conversation, but my brain told me this was a good place to end it for today. I am much better at writing conversation then anything else, which will probably be evident.

Thirdly, Dont expect a decent upload schedule from me. I am currently in a state exam year in my country, (AKA, important exams that matter towards my future) so I might not be able to work on this all the time, seconded by my having a pony, who takes up 99% of my free time.

Hope you enjoyed reading! See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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