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My eyes opened wide at incredible speed. Not knowing what's going on with zero thoughts in my head, I just stared blankly at the sky.

My mind was completely blank. No conscious nor focus, plus not being able to process my current status, eyes blinking every few seconds.

My eyes slowly steered to right...then to the left...then back to the center

Gaining some semblance of thought I asked myself, "What the hell happened?"

After a few moments of nothing, I finally decided that I've been laying on the ground for too long and got up on my feet. 

Only to regret it as I was hit with a excruciatingly painful headache. I couldn't do anything else except clutch my head, being forced to endure the mental torture. I let out a seethe through my mouth, my eyes shutting with as much pressure as humanly possible.

Eventually, the pain subsided. Shacking my head, I looked around me.

My head turned in every direction, eyes wandering, observing everything around me. After taking in my surroundings, only one word came to my mind. 


"Why the fuck am I in a forest?" I asked myself. Not knowing how I ended up in a forest, I thought about the events that occurred beforehand. Only for a searing pain to appear in my head, though not as bad as the one before. Clutching my head and wincing was the only thing I could do at the moment. After waiting for the pain to subside, I decided that going down memory lane could wait.

All I could do was just stand there with a huge 'wtf' look on my face. Seriously, how the hell is someone going to react waking up in a forest with no memory on how it happened. 

I blinked, noticing that my arms felt they were encased in a solid yet flexible substance. It was weird yet it felt like they were supposed to be there.

I raised my arms and my memories started to come back to me. I sighed in relief as pieces of my mind were slowly starting to mend back together. I smiled as I found my Storage Gauntlet and Communication Vambrace secured on my arms as they should be. Knowing that one of my two greatest pieces of tech that I trust more than anything else was with me gave me some comfort I needed right now.

I blinked, realizing that I should probably be contacting someone right now.

 I activated my Vambrace, getting ready to find and chew out whoever was responsible for me ending up in a forest. Only for my vambrace to tell me that all my contacts were offline.

...What the fuck?

How are my contacts offline? Everyone I know always had their communication devices online. Ignoring the growing anxiety in my head.  I decided to run a quick diagnostics for my vambrace thinking something was damaged. 

....No damage....

Shaking my head, I made a mental note, deciding to resolve that issue later. I activated my Gauntlet to run an inventory check, the holographic interface being projected appeared. "Atomites...check, Evolution Cube...check, Portal Synthesizer...Not here..." I muttered. I blinked a few times, trying to process what's missing.

Fucking Perfect

As if having my one piece of tech that could immediately solve my problem not here bad enough, I noticed that my connections to my separate storages back home were offline as well. Which would be impossible as I can access them from anywhere across the world. Thinking that there is something wrong with my gauntlet as well, I quickly run a diagnostics to see if anything was damaged. I scowled when I saw there was nothing wrong confusing me and further increasing my growing anxiety even more. Signal certainly wasn't the problem as my tech was so advanced it didn't need satellite.

Can't say the same for everyone else though... 

I quickly went to the record files. Hoping that what ever happened to me was recorded.

Only to curse internally as all of my files were corrupted.

I swept my hand across my face, my mood and mental state getting worse.

I let out a deep breath in a attempt to calming myself down. Getting angry was not going to help me right now. A few theories popped up in my head as to what was going on but I didn't want to jump to conclusions without more information. And the only way to obtain it was to get out of this damn forest.

After using the compass in my vambrace to find out where north is, I started walking in that direction hoping to end this tomfuckery that I'm being forced to endure.

And so my journey started, Not knowing that my situation was far more dire than I thought.

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