Chapter Three: Understood?

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My car drove through a sprinkler and I watched as the water splashed against my windshield, the streams fading into droplets and those droplets in turn getting swiped away by my windshield wipers. I wish I had been walking for a moment, wishing stupidly that I had felt the water seep into my clothes and soak my skin.

It was a silly thought but it made me feel a little sad, life now was easier than I imagined my grandmother, Lilian's, life had been. While modern times came with its perks the main one in my opinion being e-books, I still longed to know what it felt like to ride bikes with your friends through town, just because you could. Life now was brutally exhausting and I doubted at the end of my shift I would feel like riding anything that didn't have a motor.

I was going to buy a bike, or maybe pull Lilains out of the shed and get it some new tires. The thought alone made me smile, I would ride that bike through those sprinklers, just because I could.

Maybe those water droplets would feel like her loving touch or perhaps I would be a dripping fool.

It wasn't until I got to the closed library that I realized carrying these packs of flooring up those stairs by myself was going to be impossible. I sucked my teeth before pulling out my phone in defeat, "Oh, Maverick!"

"Ow, those are my eardrums, Bonnie!" He yells back, causing me to pull the phone from my ear.

"Can you come help me, pretty please with a cherry on top? I'll owe you big time, bro." The line goes completely silent. "Rick?"

Paper starts crumbling from the other end, "I- I'm so-rry, your b-king u-p."I could hear a feminine chuckle, completely unfazed by the 'bad connect'. I rolled my eyes and hit end on the call, I suppose it could wait for tomorrow but I had really wanted to see the flooring against the paint so that I could decide if I needed to change that as well.

I scrolled through my contacts coming up short until I saw Kannon's name. He's always been more inclined to help me. I debated how badly I wanted that flooring up there. Sighing heavily I dialed him and waited not so patiently for him to pick up.

Just when I thought it was going to go to his voicemail he answered, his breathing labored. "Oh for heaven's sake, is screwing the only thing you and my brother do on the weekends?"

"If by screwing you mean with a drill then yes, Bonnie that is all I do." Wood slamming against something, along with other power tools sounded in the background. My face heated and I wanted to run through that sprinkler for a whole different reason now.

With embarrassment freezing my vocal cords, I hit end on the phone call. A few seconds later my phone was ringing in my hand, I hit answer and closed my eyes tightly. "Oh, hey, Kannon!" I said overly joyful.

"So we're going to pretend that whole conversation didn't happen?" His gruff voice was strained from whatever he was currently carrying.

"Oh, most definitely." He chuckled and the sound reverberated through me like a sound wave. My toes tingled and I had to pinched my thigh to clear my head.

"What did you call me for, bright eyes?"

"You're busy."


"It's really not a big deal, K-"


"It can wait until tom-"


"Iboughtflooringanditstooheavytocarryupthestairsofthelibrarybymyself!" I shriek out.

"I'll be there in ten." The line goes dead and I am left feeling like an utter ass, he was working and now he put all of that to the side to come help me with something I was too selfish to put off until tomorrow. What a jerk.

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