Phone Call

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POV Marinette:

I'm not ready to forget about my horrible first wedding night ever in my life. It was the worst night with my hated husband

He is horrible, disgusting and I hate him so much but the worst is that he raped me because he knows that I don't want him

He was really smelling bad, because he was smoking then he kissed me and fucked me. I'm really glad that I wasn't a virgin and that Luka wasn't huge or I would be in hospital right now

I wake up, feeling that every bone of my body is in pain. My face hurt after the slaps, same as my body as he punched my stomach at least twice

I was looking everywhere, and the best thing happened for me is that Luka wasn't here

I'm missing Adrien so much, I miss his warmth, his arms around me, his kisses on my cheeks, my shoulders, my lips, my neck .... Everywhere. I even miss to wake up and see his beautiful face

I'm glad I gave my virginity to Adrien, he was kind and gentle, if it was Luka, he would take it without pity with his hairy tiny dirty dick, he was just five inches so he doesn't hurt while fucking me this night but he was brutal by slapping me

Luka: you are finally awake bitch?

I looked at the door of the bathroom and I found Luka all naked. I just ignored him and looked to the other side; I don't want to look at his hairy body

When I was looking at the other side, I heard Luka in his phone talking to someone

Luka: sadly, Adrien won't come today for doing our portrait, he said he is sick

When I head the love of my life's name, I turned around to face Luka

Marinette: is he going to keep working on the walls?

Luka: yes, and I have another trip in two days, I need to go to London again for work. You will stay here and use this time to go to your parent's house for their portrait

Marinette: y-yes

Luka: I'm leaving for work, make me dinner at night, and make yourself so sexy, I want to fuck you again

Marinette: p-please, I don't want to have sex

Luka: you don't, but I want. Who cares about your feelings, I'll do whatever I want with you.

He went to my closet to get ready then he left my house. I don't fucking know why he want to live in my house after wedding

I was alone in the middle of the bed, crying because I'm missing Adrien, then when I was sure that Luka is gone, I got my phone and called Adrien. I had to wait seconds till he finally answered

Marinette: Adrien, I missed you

Adrien: I missed you more. how was your wedding night?

Marinette: you know that I never wanted this wedding and if only you know what happened to me

Adrien: what he did to you? and what he said when he had known that you aren't a virgin?

I told Adrien everything happened that night, all the bad things that happened, the slaps, the punches, how he raped me and more. Adrien was quiet for a moment

Adrien: what can I do? without putting you in troubles?

Marinette: nothing, but the only thing that you should do is to keep loving me

Adrien: I want to kill him Mari, how can he do that to my princess?

Marinette: hearing your voice made me feel better now. but tell me, why are you sick?

Adrien: I spent all my day sleeping, I still can't believe that you are with another man except me. I had a lot of dreams with you, I saw a little baby sleeping between us, looking just like me and you. I saw myself with you on the aisle, getting married, and vowing for you that I will love you forever and take care of you but someone else got those dreams from me

Marinette: n-no Adrien, no one took me from you, I'm yours, I have always been yours. Please come tomorrow, I need you. if only you know the heck I'm dealing with. I miss your beautiful scent, I miss your soft lips, I miss you expressing your love to me. I feel so lonely

Adrien: you aren't lonely, I'm with you, wherever you go, wherever you are, and at any time, I'm with you. whenever you want to hear about my feelings, just call me and I will tell you how much I love you

Marinette: say that you love me again please, I need that for my broken self

Adrien: I love you so much, you can't know how much love I hide in my heart. My love for you is to the point of madness. If I know what love is, it is because of you

Marinette: ohhhh Adrien, I love you so much too, my sweet angel, my handsome boyfriend, you are my everything and I promise you that one day, we will be together. I won't give up

Adrien: sooo, you will get raped tonight too? I can't hear that without kicking his ass

Marinette: nooo, don't. I rather be raped than seeing you in jail. Luka is powerful, and can put you easily there. I don't want that this happens, I can't leave without you so if you love me, please don't do anything to that son of bitch. Please Adrien, don't do anything to him, I need you with me

Adrien: I won't do anything but it hurt me that you will be abused, it hurt my heart that this is happening to the love of my life

Marinette: ill just give him what he wants then he can leave me. promise me that you are coming tomorrow please Adrien.

Adrien: yes, I'll be there, I promise princess

Marinette: I'm happy to hear that, you are worth waiting. Also, he is going away to London for work, ill be just with you

Adrien: fine, I can't wait to be with you. usually when he leaves to work?

Marinette: at 8:30am and sometimes 9am.

Adrien: ok, at 8am I'll be ready so when he leaves just call me

Marinette: I will. I love you

Adrien: I love you more. bye princess

Marinette: no wait ...

Adrien: what's up?

Marinette: can we have sex tomorrow? I need you badly, all my body needs you to get rid of his dirty touch.

Adrien: yes, I even miss myself inside of you

Marinette: thanks baby, great thing he is using condoms, I'm sure he doesn't want me pregnant but better

Adrien: I want you pregnant baby

Marinette: once we get married together, just put how many babies you want ok?

Adrien: don't ask twice for that princess. love you

Marinette: love you more, bye my prince

I hang up, and I laid on my side to watch to painting of Adrien that he made on the wall. I felt better after talking with him, I even fell asleep after hearing Adrien's voice and I can't wait for tomorrow....

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