5 「 D E D I C A T E D」 1

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third point of view

𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃, once she felt Sam's hands softly pulling down her pink panties down her legs.

The man softly lifting one of her sneaker pink sneaker covered feet from the ground and then the other, quick to get her underwear off her body leaving her bare and bent over in front of him.

"Completely," Michelle spoke with a large smile, suddenly feeling as if she had something that related her to the younger woman before her despite being so oblivious to the truth. "you know when I was pregnant with my first, my husband, who swore he didn't want children couldn't drag himself away from my belly."

She chuckled at the fond memory of her husband, no longer so upset about doing this favor for her family member as she smiled down at a flustered Catherine.

"Exactly, so I'll only be a second." Catherine rushed out as she felt Sam slowly backing away from her, quickly causing her to come to the realization that he probably heard the conversation coming to an end.

"I completely understand," Michelle spoke more genuine than she'd been since the two'd met as she physically waved off the young woman in a soft joking manner. "take as long as you need, I'll happily show Emily the property and have her rely and major details onto either of yo-"

"Great." Catherine spoke cutting the woman off as she closed the door, quick to turn back to Sam who'd taken off his suit jacket in the time he'd stepped away from her.

His arm sleeve were also rolled up on both side and as she laid eyes on him, he'd been in the mist of loosening the navy tie that'd been placed around his neck, before quickly taking it off.

The man pressing his imprint up against the door as his left hand came to softly round her hip, tightly squeezing as he moved down her thigh and pulled her close with her left leg up.

His other hand roughly pulling down the top of her dress and bra, spilling her breast from its confines causing a soft moan to leave Catherine's lips as his rough hands manhandled her.

"Tsss." A small wince left Sam's lips as he watched her at least double-d cup breasts spill from the dress and bra she'd been wearing.

The sudden urge to bring her breast into his mouth flashing over the front of his mind, so following that thought he did, quickly suckling her terra-cotta brown left nipple into his mouth.

"Nnngh-Sam." Catherine squealed as she closed her eyes not expecting him to suddenly embrace her breast, although as she felt him softly sucking on her left nipple and using his other hand to play with the right.

She couldn't help the rush of arousal that flowed down between her legs as she began to feel a burning need in her lower stomach, which was something Sam notice.

Especially from the way she kept squirming underneath him, causing him to quickly push his knee between her legs giving her place to grind upon as he finally broke away from her pillowy tits.

"You did so good for me, Sugar," He purred softly into her ear as he ran his head from the bottom to just below her ear, his right hand still playing with her nipple even as close as they were. "was so sweet and nice despite what I was doing to you."

"I did so good." She repeated his words through gasped breath, more focused on slowly bucking her hips against his large thigh in search for her pleasure and possible release.

The smaller girl nodding her head as she raised her hands to wrap them around Sam's neck in an desperate attempt to pull him closer.

Wanting his whole body against her own, but although she was able to place her hands on his shoulder he wouldn't let her close their distance.

"Aww, is my sweet girl getting desperate, huh," Sam asked teasingly as he felt her quivering hips attempt to grind against his thigh, causing a smirk to come over his face. "wanna cum for me, don't you?"

"Can't....," She whimpered as she felt at the edge of cliff, teetering from falling over as she gripped Sam's shoulder's tightly nails digging into his dress shirt. "please."

Hearing her begging him so sweet and wantonly, Sam could't help but smirk with his body pressed up against hers, moving his hands groping her wildly.

"Poor sweetness can't even get off by herself," He spoke as he chest rumbled, drinking in her arousal as he help her grind down on him. "what happened to all those nights you had no one?"

Mewling as her body shuddered Catherine could practically feel the blood rush to her head as gripped one of the hands Sam had on her hip.

Desperate for him to help her get off just as he said he would moments ago, when he'd been praising her to high heaven.

"Sam," She whined lightly, his name falling off her tongue causing him to look up into her eyes again, despite them being so low and lust filled. "imma good girl."

"And we don't have a lot of time either," Sam nodded his head as he realized this wasn't the time for him to enjoy himself, instead to focus on the pleasure of the woman in front of him. "I can get so carried away, whenever you let me."

Pausing Sam took in the appearance of Catherine, her pink dress pulled down so far that her breast spilled out, relentlessly grinding against his thigh trying to get herself off.

Just the sight of her causing a stir in the beast within him, seeing her shudder and whimper because of him, fulfilling the desire and dominance he craved.

"Turn around." He instructed her suddenly, causing her low eyes to blow open a bit more as she felt she didn't hear him from the blood flowing through her ears.

"Huh?" She huffed breathlessly as she barely stilled her hips, before he reluctantly pulled himself and his thigh back away from her.

Although instead of answering her, the man simply gripped her hips forcefully turning her around to face the opposite direction just as she had when she answered the door.

"Sam." A gasp left her lips as she was leaned up against the sink and cabinet, especially as Sam's hand came in contact with the small of her back pushing her forwards.

Then swiftly lifted up and came back down, with a small smack onto the swell of her bottom before he began rubbing the spot after Catherine'd let out a small squeak.

"Gonna make you feel good sugar," He spoke as he continued to kneed the plump swell of her bottom, his eyes widening as a small red print began to appear on her bottom. "'ve been wanting to bury my face in your cunt since the moment I laid eyes on you."

As he finished speaking the two made eye contact through the circular bathroom mirror, before the man kneeled down, not stopping until he was on his knees, face to face with her leaking cunt.

His hands lightly gracing her calves before his grip grew firm and he ran his hands up the back of her thighs, before stopping right before the curve of her bottom.

Kneading the natural shelf that was there, slapping his hand against her bottom again as the mark he'd previously left had already begun to get smaller and less bright.

"Ah-Sam." She squealed as she flinched the sharp smack to her bottom causing her to jump, but also causing another wave of arousal to flow through her.

She'd never had a lover, one of the current three she's had, hit her in the way Sam was, although Jacob said a lot of things that could make a nun blush.

Sam did things that could corrupt one, make the woman fall from divinity by his actions, his stature and the sweet degrading words that fell from his lips as he took her in.

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