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-The Present/ 1 Year Later-

-Y/n Pov-

I wake up having that same dream about me and Kristian. Thats the only reason i sleep is because thats the only time i see him.

It was a memory when we was happy together...my favorite memory when i was human

I wanted to talk to Kristian since he was coming back to town due to some business or something

He is rather famous portraying as a rich human businessman when he is really a vampire mafia leader doing his job the smart way

Climbing to the top so he can trample his enemies

I can't help it but i a still in love with him. Bill says it's because we bonded mated for life but if so...why does it seem like i'm the only one suffering

All i have now is Bill, this mansion for me and my boys, and My boys. My obedient vampire male prostitutes

I get up out the bed and my door opens and i see Bill

Bill-Morning Madam u sleep well?

Y-I did thank you

Bill-are u ready for ur bath?

Y-Yea. How are the boys?

I asked as Bill rummaged around finding me clothes to wear

Bill-they are good cleaning up ur house getting ready for the day like always Madam.

Y-Good, Good. They are doing better now thats good

Bill-Ofc They are they hate ur scoldings and punishments

Y-Then they should act right and love each other like brothers. Do i have any meeting today?

Bill-Yes ma'am just one


Bill-at 8 pm

I sighed nodding my head as he finally found something

Bill-Do you want me to bathe you Madam?

Y-Hmm...Who is down there doing the most work.

Bill-Rui as always. He does a lot for your attention you know that

Y-Tell him to come and Bathe me as a reward. The other boys will not go unnoticed ill give them extra food tonight and maybe some lovin if they do right


He leaves and i get undressed stepping into my Jacuzzi tub. It feels so good

-Rui Pov-

After cleaning my Room the living room and all the "Dungeons" i was fixing the wires back in the Tv since Chris and Christian stupid ass got into a fight and broke it-

Bill-Boys good job on the cleaning Madam is proud

They cheered and on the inside i did too. I am madly in love with Madam. Before everyone, I was the one to help her a lot....Me and Bill.

She use to cry a lot thinking about the so called King. Me and the boys all hated him.

I'm glad he is gone because king or not. I will never forgive the hurt he put her through.

Bill-Rui. Madam would like to see u.

I stood up quickly and Jacob Did as well

J- No! For what? Did u tell her he did all the work? I did the dishes and even got the nasty shit on me! I deserve to see her.

Madam Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now