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     7: Learning the ways of the avatar

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7: Learning the ways of the avatar

THE WALK TO SEE THE XU'S SIBLINGS MOTHER WAS enchanting. Ta Lo was as beautiful as Amara remembered. The nature itself was just breath taking. The animals were fascinating. It upset her that she ran away but it was too much for her to handle. Why should a kid be given a destiny at a young age? A kid does not want to fight grown people's battles but as much as Amara ran from it. The fight followed her. Even though she had Emily that had to leave San Francisco sometimes because certain dark organizations or people found where the avatar lived. She hated putting Emily through that but she knew Amara would protect her no matter what.

Amara was so deep in thought she didn't realized that they had walked into another building in the village. It was where everyone's loved ones were. It had multiple small shrines surrounding the building. Amara stood behind Shawn and Xialing as they walked up to their mother's shrine. "You were everything to her. She knew one day you would find your way here and asked me to prepare something for your arrival." As they turned around two people had brought in what looked like gifts wrapped in a blanket. They bowed their heads and set the gifts on the table. Shawn and Xialing undid the blanket to reveal clothing but it wasn't regular clothing. It was dragon scale clothing. Armor. It was beautiful.

"After losing someone like her, it's easy to feel alone in this world. But you're not. You are children of this family, and I welcome you home." With that she left and they were swallowed up in the silence. Amara looked around and that's when she spotted it. Her parent's shrine. She walked over to it and smiled softly as she lightly kissed her fingers and tapped the picture. "I'm finally back you guys." Tears slipped her eyes, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, and I hope you guys love Emily just as much as I did." Amara sighed softly as the tears kept coming down. She took out her wallet as there was a polaroid of Emily giving her signature grin. She set it next to the photo of her parents as she wished them peace in the after life. "You look so much like your mom."

The avatar jumped as she quickly wiped away her tears. "Yeah, people thought when I would grow up that we would be twins." Shawn looked at Amara and embraced her in a hug. "I know this is overwhelming for you but we will get through this together." Amara took in his warmth and pulled away. "Thank you." They were looking into each other's eyes when they were interrupted by a cough. They both snapped their heads to see Aiden, Amara's older brother. "I have been asked to show to take you home and to get you into more comfortable attire and then take you to the elders." Amara's stomach dropped. She did not like the sound of that.

"I'll talk to you later." She kissed Shawn's cheek and followed after her brother to their old home. "Do you know what they want?" Amara asked. Aiden scratched his head, "They probably just want to know why the avatar ran away from its destiny. Which we know why but they don't understand children." Amara sighed as she saw their old home and walked in. It stilled smelled like their parents. "I didn't know if you were ever coming back or not but mom's old clothes are in her closet. They should fit." Amara nodded as she walked into their parent's bedroom and closed the door. She stripped off her old clothes and showered and brushed her teeth. Amara got dressed in a red kimono dress with black sandals. She stepped out and Aiden did a double take. Amara raised a brow, "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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