5 | Oh Its On...

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Hiiiiiiiiiiii hope you enjoy the story!!


J.ONE - So... bin what's going on and why are you having a huge rivalry with Jeongin.

SpearB - Because, hes a pain in the ass and he needs to learn that he can't just claim people, especially Chan.

J.ONE - are you still... mad about the 'incident that happened with Chan?'

SpearB - yes. It happened 3 weeks ago, and I can't let anyone else touch him, I'll do anything if it means to make sure he is safe so his heart doesn't get shattered again.

J.ONE - right... well I guess that is a good reason to be all protective over Chan.

SpearB - idk you should try being protective over Chan aswell, it gets tiring to be the only who protects Chan.

J.ONE - fine. speaking of Chan, where is he?

SpearB - Cuddling with me. He's right now asleep, he just had a nightmare about "him"

J.ONE - of course.. I'm coming to your room in a minute, I'm bringing my hoodie with me so Chan can be warmer.

SpearB - K. See you In a minute.



Jeonginnie - Hey fucker answer your phone.

trash_binnie - what do you want, your such a pain in the ass.

Jeonginnie - I just want to tell you one simple thing, keep your hands off of Chan you got it?

trash_binnie I should be telling you that, Chan doesn't need some stuck up like you, and also Chan doesn't want, need, or get to have a boyfriend right now. So stay the fuck away before I block you on everything.

Jeonginnie - guess what? That won't fucking happen, if I meet you in person I'll beat the shit out of you.

trash_binnie - Id like to see you try, anyways I'm going now, I have a Chan to cuddle with.

Jeonginnie - tsk, bye idiot.

Hiii!! Just to let you know that the next chapter will be in a real life setting and not insta to shake things up!

Hiii!! Just to let you know that the next chapter will be in a real life setting and not insta to shake things up!

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