Chapter Six - Azra VII and Princess Emilee

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Ordo and Heart, along with the Guard, and Princess Emilee were at the Orkera desert, ready to meet up with Gael Namo. When they reached the Desert, a portal randomly appeared, and Azra the VII fell out. "I've made it..." He looked around and said "Where's Soph?" "She was in a fight with the V- we don't know what happened. How are you here? We thought you died," said Ordo "Oh yea," said Azra, "I used a very complex spell to make a clone of my body, as I teleported somewhere in The Nether. Then, I navigated around the Nether, and built a portal to get out - and it ended up here, just as I expected."

Princess Emilee ran up to Azra and hugged him. "Thank you," she said, "for saving me." "No problem," said Azra, "anything for a beautiful princess," "What was that?" Emilee asked "Oh uh nothing," Azra replied. "Oh..okay," Emilee said as they both slid their hands in each other's hands, holding hands together, staring at each other, eyes filled with love and joy.

Emilee felt something deep down inside that she never felt before, same with Azra. Emilee had past lovers, yes, but they never truly loved her. Azra never had any friends at all. Emilee leaned in closer to Azra as they walked into the Desert, heading toward the Orc's City - Orkera. "Emmy..." said Azra, "is it alright if I call you that?" Emilee gasped for a second, no one had ever called her anything besides "Princess" or "Emilee". "Sure," she said "It sounds very nice. And I'm gonna call you Twig - you're very small and scrawny, kind of like a twig." Azra laughed, "Haha, I like it."

Azra jumped as Soph and some man appeared out of nowhere. Azra stood in front of Emilee as if he was her bodyguard. She smiled at him because, well, she liked that he was protecting her. "Whoa, whoa. Calm down Azra" Soph said to him. "Who is this?" Azra and Emilee asked Soph.

"This is Ace-" she replied. "The Princess's brother." It was silent for a few seconds until.."What." said Emilee. "Hi Em, It's been a while," Ace replied with a smile on his face. "Yeah it's been a while. A really long while. You left me, Ace. I needed you and you LEFT! I was 9, 9 and taking care of Mom, myself, and the palace." She said with her eyes filled with tears and a stare of hatred. It was silent..Until Ace finally spoke again, "Look, Em, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or leave you..I'm so sorry." He replied. The arguing went on for around 15 minutes. "You probably weren't even banished! You hated my existence and the attention I got so you left me!" Emilee exclaimed. Ace put his head down, he was surprised she would even assume or think that of him. He wishes she knew the real story behind it, but he promised himself he wouldn't tell her unless she found out on her own. He turned around and said "Emilee, I love you, you're my little sister. I'm sorry I left you like that, I just wish you knew the whole story. I'm sorry I disturbed your peace, Goodbye." as he walked away from them.

An hour or two passed and Emilee and Azra were talking."Are you ok?" asked Azra, after Emilee was done arguing with Ace. "NO!" she shouted, "I'm NOT okay, gros con! You're very stupid for a prince, you know." "I-I'm sorry," sighed Azra. "it's just that- I've never had a friend until I met you- and I'm trying my best to be nice - a good friend." "Oh, wow-" said Emilee "I- I never had many friends either - Ace was all I had. After he left - I tried to fill in the holes with secret lovers - and that never turned out so well..." she looked like she was about to cry. "Hey hey," Azra said, trying to comfort her, "don't cry- it's gonna make me cry too." He wrapped his arms around her in a hug. They stood like that for a few minutes and then Azra said "I should go.. I'll see you later, Emmy." "WAIT NO!" she said. "Please - I- JE T'AIME, GROS CON!" she screamed. "I- Je t'aime aussi, Emmy," Azra replied as she grabbed his face and kissed him, right on the lips. Azra was startled at first, but kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her tighter.

After a few seconds she pulled back, running her hand down his arm as she went towards the camp that Soph and Ordo had set up, with Heart and her Guard. As Azra was walking to his tent, Emilee said "Hey- will you stay with me tonight?" "Sure," said Azra. He went over to his tent, grabbed his bedroll, and layed it in Emmy's tent. He put his arm over her as they both drifted off to sleep. 

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