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After a very long time of Ratchet and Raf altering the Decepticon tech to work for them, they finally get it working. They call someone, a man, he responds in an annoyed sarcastic tone, he thinks it's Megatron calling. Clearly, whoever is on the other side isn't happy about Megatron being here.

"Agent Fowler," Ratchet speaks up, "it's Ratchet."

"Ratchet? Where's Jack? Is he with you?" A woman asks.

"No, he is not," Ratchet sighs, "Listen, we don't have much time. I have taken a tremendous, yet calculated, risk at contacting you. Hopefully the Decepticons are not monitoring their own frequencies, as closely as they are no doubt are those of the humans. I am transmitting our current coordinates."

::There's a ship outside!:: Bee rushes in quickly

Ratchet cuts the communications. Everyone rushes outside. Smokescreen has to take a few tries to activate his weapons, he hasn't done this in a while. Raf and Mea stay behind while Ratchet and Bee move forward, Smokescreen just behind them.

"It's one of ours," Ratchet states.

Smokescreen lowers his weapon and transforms it back into his hand. The ship lands, kicking up dust, causing it to be hard for Mea and Raf to see. A platform lowers, two humans and three Autobots are on the platform. The female of the two humans runs over to Raf shouting his name, she hugs him tightly. The other walks over and gives Raf a handshake. When Ratchet sees the Autobots he is relieved. They walk forward to reveal a fourth Autobot, Ultra Magnus.


They spend time talking with each other, Smokescreen is finally introduced to the Autobots of Earth. Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Arcee, but Optimus is still nowhere to be seen. Eventually a human jet lands and two humans hop out. The female runs over to Jack and embraces him, his mother. He saw that same look on Joe so many times...

Smokescreen doesn't even realize he's blocked everything out until he feels a banging on his head. Mea snaps him out of his thoughts just in time for him to see that everyone is entering the ship. Ultra Magnus has taken command until Prime is found, if he's even still functioning.


Ultra Magnus wishes to take down Darkmount. Smokescreen stands up to help but is immediately told no. Even with Ratchet's repairs, albeit limited repairs, Smokescreen apparently isn't battle ready.

"Come on! I can still fight!" Smokescreen protests.

"When was your last fight?" Magnus asks.

"I encountered Soundwave recently... but I didn't fight him," Smokescreen lowers his head, "I guess I was never in a real fight. I was almost in one during the fall of Iacon, but I was knocked out."

"See, you are a liability. Your only weapons have been cut in half due to your missing arm, and Bumblebee mentioned that you could barely activate your weapon anyways. You are not fit for this fight," Magnus states.

Smokescreen sits down and lowers his head. Is this really what it's going to be like the entire time he's here? It isn't fair. Smokescreen blocks out everything other than Mea for the next few hours. He doesn't care if he's acting like a child. He had gotten out of this stupid war, only to be dragged back in. Only to lose someone he loved. Not even Mea's comfort had him feeling better. He sat in the corner like a grounded child for the entirety of the mission. Barely even noticing that Optimus had apparently returned.

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