💫 Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7️⃣ 💫

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A/N: Short time jump in this chapter from the previous one.

It had been a little over two weeks since Addison's journey to Charming and subsequent discovery that Wendy Case was her biological mother

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It had been a little over two weeks since Addison's journey to Charming and subsequent discovery that Wendy Case was her biological mother.

Charlie had been honestly flabbergasted when Addison had revealed to him that his ex wife had pretty much kidnapped the teen from her real family the day after she had learned the truth about herself.

He had also been flat out livid when Bella had confirmed that she'd actually known for years what her mother had done.

It didn't help his anger either that the older girl didn't seem to think that her mother really did anything wrong when she'd taken Addison from Wendy.

The Cullens had all reacted pretty much the same as Charlie especially when they learned that Bella had known the truth all along.

Edward in particular had felt extremely guilty. After all, he and Addison had been pretty close before Bella's return to Forks.

That closeness between the two had pretty much gone to hell though l upon Bella's arrival in the small town followed by her setting her sights on Edward and his family.

As for her new life in Charming, Addison had settled into it pretty well for the most part.

She'd continued to grow closer with the woman she now knew to be her true mother which made both females extremely happy to say the least.

Wendy was especially grateful that her relationship with her newly found daughter wasn't awkward in the least.

After all, she'd spent the better part of the previous thirteen years questioning whether or not she would ever find out who had taken her baby girl from her and whether or not she would ever see her again.

When it came to the club, Addison had seemingly bonded the most so far with her dad, Gemma, Sarah, Bobby, Juice, and very weirdly Tig.

She loved hearing stories from her father about his homeland of Scotland and his time there prior to coming to California and joining SAMCRO although she hated that he wasn't able to see his elder daughter and her half sister Kerianne as much as he used to.

Juice reminded her a lot of Emmett to be honest.

Both males were crazy about tech stuff especially video games and were pretty sweet natured guys despite appearing to be the complete opposite.

Tig also reminded her a lot of not only Emmett but also both Embry Call and Quil Ateara V, two Quilete boys from the La Push reservation that neighbored Forks.

Embry and Quil were very close friends with Jacob and like Tig, both boys had a shared habit of saying the wrong thing at the most inappropriate of moments more often than not.

As for Gemma and Sarah, the SAMCRO matriarch had become a secondary mother figure to the fourteen year old as well as a grandmotherly figure while the latter had become like an older sister to her who looked after and stood up for her especially whenever they were hanging out at the clubhouse and one of the croweaters tried to start something with her.

Two people that Addison definitely wasn't fond of though was Jax's wife and old lady Tara and also the deputy police chief of the small town, David Hale.

Tara reminded Addison way too much of Bella for her liking as the doctor was extremely full of herself and was also pretty rude towards not only Gemma but also Wendy and herself too.

It was the latter that tended to piss the teen off the most though.

She may have only known that the older blonde was her real mother for a short time so far but she was already extremely protective towards her and vice-versa as well.

As for David Hale, it was revealed to Addison via Sarah that the deputy had had a romantic interest in her mother since at least their high school years and he hated the fact that she not only didn't reciprocate those feelings but also the fact that she was involved with her dad and the club in general.

Sarah had also pointed out to the younger girl that there might be a chance that Hale could possibly target her due to his disdain for the club and the fact that Wendy refused to give him the time of day.

Addison hadn't initially delved much into her life back in Forks to her mother outside of telling the older woman about Charlie and some of her friends there like Jacob and also the Cullens who had all treated her well pretty much the moment that they had first met her after their move to Forks.

Wendy was honestly grateful that her baby girl had had someone like Charlie looking after her when she had not been able to do so herself.

Addison had been extremely hesitant to tell her mother anything about Bella though especially when it came to the physical, emotional and psychological abuse she had been subjected to at the other girl's hands.

She managed to open up to Wendy about the matter though and she was extremely grateful that she had.

Wendy had been pretty pissed when Addison had revealed what Bella had done to her before she'd decided to leave Forks but she had simply held her baby girl close as the latter eventually cried herself to sleep.

Both Gemma and Sarah had also been just as pissed as Wendy when the blonde had later told the pair about what Addison had shared with her.

"Shit, poor Addison. She's been through hell cause of that bitch. All I can say is that Bella had better think twice about showing her face around here if she knows what's good for her. "

Wendy knew that Gemma definitely had a good point about Bella. She knew deep down that there was a small possibility that Bella might show up in Charming at some point in the future and God help her if that were to happen.

She also knew that she along with the club would have zero problems with standing with and backing up her baby girl if that were to actually happen.

She honestly hoped to God that it wouldn't be happening anytime soon though.

Another chapter of this story is done!

So, does anyone think that Bella might show up in Charming at some point or do you think she'll stay far away from Addison and her newfound family?

Also, does anyone think that Addison might have trouble with Hale at some point in the near future based on what Sarah had told her about him?

Stay tuned for all this and more!

Please feel free to vote and/or comment below to let me know what you guys think!

I hope that you all have a great day/afternoon/night depending on where you may be, stay safe and remember that you are all amazing, beautiful and make sure to stay safe out there!!

I hope that you all have a great day/afternoon/night depending on where you may be, stay safe and remember that you are all amazing, beautiful and make sure to stay safe out there!!💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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