Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Stu Macher is in love with Billy Loomis for years now, it's not difficult to realize that, it's kinda obvious but Billy is oblivious or perhaps he's pretending to be.

A lot of people have suspicions that Stu has a thing for Billy but every time someone points something out Stu deny it with not so much effort to make people believe him and Billy gets all defensive like they said a 'your mom' joke and saying he's not a fag and he'll never be one.

Note on that, Billy is very close with his mom so you never say a 'your mom' joke to him unless you want to end up in a hospital.

Stu and Billy were always close, Billy would go right after school at Stu's house and hang out with him for hours watching horror movies that they have watched a million times already or just talk, gossip and mess around.

Not that it was very different at school. Wherever Billy went Stu would follow, to the point that if Billy was somewhere and Stu wasn't there people would ask if something happened to Stu.

Remember when I said Stu is in love with Billy for years? Well the feeling is mutual but Billy denies it, having grown up in a homophobic environment made him not even want to think that he might have feelings for his best friend who is a guy, but he does, he is just too scared to admit it to himself. Every time he feels something more then a friendly feeling towards Stu he'll mentally slap himself and push the feeling deep inside immediately so it will never see the light of day again.

So now here we are, first period on a Monday morning, Billy and Stu sit at there usual seats at the last two desks right beside the window, Stu on the very back and Billy right in front of him.

Neither of them were paying attention to the lesson because let's be honest, who pays attention to math class?

Stu was playing with his pencil, twisting it between his fingers like an expert, having stretch out his legs exactly below Billy's chair because of how fucking tall he is, staring at Billy's back.

Billy on the other hand was staring outside the window while feeling Stu's gaze on his back and trying to ignore it, but of course that wasn't easy, it never is so why would it be now? Because of fucking course he could see Stu reflection on the god damm window, it's like the universe is trying to make it even more difficult for him to ignore how Stu makes him feel via never letting him have a break.


The lesson is finally over, everyone is gathering their things and getting out of the classroom as fast as they can to get to their next period, Billy and Stu are taking their time, talking while packing their stuff "hey man, do you want to come over after school? My parents aren't home so we can do whatever without being interrupted." says Stu with a hopeful tone looking at Billy without blinking like he's going to turn into smoke if he looks away "sure" says Billy, sounding and looking like he's a zombie but Stu knows all too well that that's just how Billy is on the mornings.

They reach their lockers, which are right next to each other, and get the things they need for their next period, to Stu's disappointment they have different classes now so they have to be separated, Billy doesn't mind that at all, in fact he's glad for that, seeing it as break to get his shit together and forget Stu and he makes him feel for a bit.


Lunch break comes around and the two homos (sorry couldn't hold back) make their way to the fountain were Sidney, Randy and Casey are sitting, they sit with them at their usual spots, Billy behind Sid and Stu between Casey and Randy pulling Casey onto his lap. The group chats until the lunch break ends and they have to go to their classes and oh how lucky Stu is, him and Billy have the rest of their classes together.


The school day comes to an end and the two boys make their way to Stu's track to go to his house. Once there they take of their shoes and Billy sits on the couch looking thru the movies Stu has while Stu makes some popcorn.

After a little bit Stu comes to the living room with two bowls of popcorn and sit close beside Billy, so close that their legs touch, handing one bowl to Billy as he presses the play button and 'nightmare on elm street' starts playing on the screen.



The two boys are now upstairs to Stu's bedroom being bored and not knowing what to do, Stu is sitting on the floor in front of his bed with Billy sitting on the bed.

Stu catches Billy's attention by felling on his back with a loud thump and the sound of his voice "Billy, I'm bored" he whines like Billy can do something about it.

And of course Billy is feeding into it "Well I can't do something about that" says Billy with a chuckle looking at Stu who is still laying on the floor and groans, and Billy can't help but laugh at how pathetic Stu looks and sounds when he's bored.

"Yes you can" Stu whines again, now looking up at Billy like a little kid hoping that Billy will actually suggest something, anything.

"How exactly?" Billy raises an eyebrow as he asks, finding the whole situation amusing while looking down at Stu as he rest his head on his fist. And Stu doesn't say anything because of course he didn't thought thru it, he never does and that makes Billy smirk, because Billy is a sadistic little shit.

"Well, even if I could I have to go, it's getting late" he's right it is already pretty late, the sun is down and moon is slowly coming up.

When Stu realize that Billy is serious he frowns and whine again "ohhhhh... Already? Ugh" he does this every time but it doesn't really bother Billy, in fact he likes it, he feels a satisfaction so his smirk grows and he chuckles a little.

"Yes already, it's like 8:30pm Stu" he taunts as he gets up and makes his way downstairs to leave with Stu right behind him like a lost puppy.

Stu really doesn't want Billy to leave but it's not like he can keep him there by making an excuse or something without building up suspension "Yeah yeah, I know. See you tomorrow then, good night" he talks in a calm voice while Billy leaves with just saying 'night'.

That was the first chapter, I hope you liked it and more are coming soon! Hope you have a great day/night

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