~39: Where She Confronts Her Past~

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Where She Confronts Her Past


|5 Years Ago|

"Hey, a bunch of us are going out to eat right now. Do you want to come with us?"

I looked up from the book I'd been reading in surprise. Cindy Crawford looked down at me expectantly.

Our last class had just ended and we were done with school for the day.

I didn't really know Cindy except that she was really shy and she seemed sweet.

My heart raced with hope. Usually, all of my classmates steered clear of me because they were too scared of being bullied by Billy and Jenny for being associated with me. But recently the Scott siblings hadn't been too focused on me, aside from a couple of remarks and mean looks they'd generally avoided me this entire week. Maybe they'd finally grown tired of messing with me.

I nodded enthusiastically before shoving the book into my bag and following her out of the classroom. My foster family had to go to a friend's wedding today. I hadn't been invited, so I wasn't needed at home and was free to go wherever I wanted after school.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Cindy excitedly. "Oh! I heard the new pizza parlor that just opened near the bowling alley is pretty good!"

Cindy pursed her lips and nodded quickly.

"Hey." She suddenly stopped walking. "I think I left my wallet in my gym bag. Do you mind coming to the locker room with me to get it?"

I beamed. "Sure. No problem."


The girl's locker room was empty. It was dim since it was after school hours and the lights had been switched off. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Which locker is yours?" I asked her.

But she didn't respond. Then suddenly her head whipped in my direction and she said something softly before she sprinted towards the exit.

It took me a second to register that she said the words "I'm sorry." My heart rate picked up and I could feel dread hammering at my chest.

I ran after her but she'd already shut the door by the time I reached it. My heart sank as I heard the lock click from the outside.

"Cindy this isn't funny!" I yelled. My hands banged against the door.

"I think it's pretty funny." A familiar feminine voice spoke up from behind me.

I felt like all the air had been sucked out of my lungs and had been replaced by lead. Panic started to rise within me till I felt like I was suffocating.

I turned back slowly.

Jenny and Billy Scott leaned casually against the lockers.

Billy's eyes danced with mirth. "You're right, it's pretty damn hilarious."

They sauntered towards me as I stepped back. My back pressed against the steel door.

"Stay away from me," I warned but they kept advancing towards me.

In a flash, I reached into my backpack and pulled out a pair of scissors I'd been carrying in my bag for my art project. I pointed the scissors in their direction in warning.

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