Chapter Two

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When i was done with my work i got a call from Oscar.

O: hey Y/N the posted pictures Look good!
Y/N: thank you Ossie!
O: wanna grab some drinks later? Charles and Carlos asked me if i wanted to come!
Y/N: sure why not!

I looked at my Suitcase. I knew i had three dresses with me. I grabbed them and put them on the bed.

Y/N: so wich one should i wear? Red, Black or Silver?
O: hmm hard choice i think the red one but Black also looks good!
Y/N: yeah i think I'll t take the red one!
O: alright see you in the lobby at 8!
Y/N: see you!

With that we ended the call. I had two hours to get ready so i took a quick shower and then put some make up on. I decided to go for a cat eye with some more natural eyeshadow shades and obviously a red lipstick. Well not red red more like a wine red. I slightly curled my hair and then put on the dress. I actually put on some of my best perfume because i kinda like Charles. I am actually surprised that i didn't fall for one of the other drivers during all the time i spent at the races with Mick or the teams i had an internship at. With that i was done and only had 5 minutes left. I put my Keycard, Phone and Lipstick in my bag and went to the Lobby to meet Oscar. He was also early so we just got into a taxi.

„So who is gonna be there?" i asked oscar hoping he would not say Lando. „Well us and then there will be Charles, Carlos, Danny, Max, Lando and Pierre!" he listed. Great i look like a hooker and wear my best perfume and Lando will be there. „So when were you planning on telling me that Lando will be there?" i asked Oscar annoyed. „well never?" he asked smiling innocently. „I ran into him earlier while uploading the pictures to my I-Cloud and he was just like ew! He gripped my wrist and said.. i quote: better watch where you're going Princess! Like who does he think he is calling me Princess?!" i explained. Oscar shrugged but then thought about something. „Wait so you hated and Mocked each other all the time? And now this? Do you think he could have a crush on you?" he asked. I ahook my head in disgust. „Uhm No definetly not! He always did everything to ruin micks and my life!" i said as we pulled up in front of a club. Oscar and i immediately got in because Charles told the bouncer we would be there. We immediately got up to the Lounge where they stayed. Luckily we were one of the first. It was only Charles, Carlos and Pierre that were already there. I sat down between Charles and Oscar and ordered my first drink. „Hey beautiful lady how are you?" Charles asked laying one arm on my shoulder. „Good thank you pretty man!" i replied smiling. Did i absolutely accidentally use Pheromone perume? Maybeeeeee. Luckily it can't change the feelings a person has for you or else i'd be fucked. It only triggers the heat of a man and raises the feelings he has for you already. I flirted a bit with charles when someone suddenly sat down next to me and it wasn't oscar. It was a familiar perfume that i've smelled but it wasn't Oscar or Danny it wasn't Max either and Carlos was sitting next to Charles. So it could just be one. Lando. I constantly pulled down my dress as it always slipped up.

Suddenly Charles got up and left me alone with Lando. I pulled my dress down again when he just put his hand on my thigh and held the dress down. „For god's sake! Now close those legs!" he said. I rolled my eyes. „And why would i listen to you?" i asked him feisty. Lando looked at me, he was sightly amused by my response. He leaned forward and brought his face closer, he's still holding my thigh. "You can't do much with this little dress, can you...? It looks like you want some attention" he said smirking. „And how in gods name would you know?" i asked him annoyed. He brought his face even closer, he knew he had the power here, so he was cocky.
"Trust me I know... You're here alone, you look cute in that dress, you like the attention, am I right...?" He asked still smirking. „Hmm let's see you're alone aswell... looking hella fine in that black button up oh and you left the top buttons open wich looks like you want and enjoy the attention!" i replied sassy. He smirked. „Mhm... you got me..." he said. His hand moved up my thigh. „Why don't you show me some more attention then, princess?" he asked smirking. „Because i am not your Princess Mr. Norris!" i reply as i see Charles coming back. But he doesn't sit down, instead he heads towards the bar to sit down there. Motherfucker. He rolled his eyes, he was annoyed that i didn't show him the attention he wanted. Charles waved at me with an excusing face. I just smiled at him. Lando was annoyed and tried to grab my attention back. „Come on beautiful, don't ignore me..." he said while he brought his face even closer. Mick stopped by the table and looked at me. „How are you doing sis?" he asked. „Good but what are you doing here?" i asked. He shrugged. „Oscar texted me that y'all are here so i thought i'd join!" he said smiling. I stood up and pulled my dress down again. „Always remember that i am a Schumacher Lando... don't try to mess with me!" i winked at Lando and walked away with Mick. Lando was angry that i left him for Mick, he wanted my attention. „Wait, come back here, I won't be ignored" he replied annoyed, as he tried to grab my arm. „Oh lando... are you that desperate for my attention?" i pitied him smirking. Lando got even angrier when i showed pity. "Shut up! Stop acting like you're above me, it's infuriating...!" Lando shouts, showing his dominant side. I chuckled, but still i remained calm „i am not acting like i am above you... wanna know why? Because i am above you!" i winked. Lando snapped as my wink annoyed him even more. He stood up and grabbed my arm forcefully and pulled me back. "You think you're so funny? It's time you learn your place, babygirl!" he said looking into my eyes, his head close to mine. I didn't even twitch at his behaviour, instead i started laughing. „you think i'll let a man tell me what to do?" i asked amused. "What's so funny? You know that you want me, I can feel it... Come on baby, don't make this worse for yourself" He replied, grabbing my hair and moving my face closer to his. „Maybe, or maybe not! But you Lando need to get back in your place!" i said seductively making him nervous. His voice was hoarse and filled with desire. "I'm going to show you your place, babygirl..." he said, moving my hair to the side to reveal your neck. I slapped his hand back. „No need to do that! I know my place!" i replied smiling, easily pushing him back by his chest. Lando was surprised at me pushing him away with ease. "Baby, you will have to give in to your desire... You can't escape that." he said, leaning in again and moving my hair to the side to get access to my neck and kiss it. „First of all i am not your Baby! And second of all again i won't let anyone tell me what to do!" i said pushing him back again. By that time i had my fifth drink. Lando didn't want to take a no from me. My coldness was turning him on.
"Come on baby, stop fighting it, just let it happen, you want it too... I know you like it" he said, trying to kiss my neck. He didn't get to my neck because i slapped him across the face. „You need to learn how to approach a woman and that is not the right way Mr. Norris!" i said cold but confident. He touched his cheek and smiled, trying to make up with me. He looked me in my eyes, his tone more seducing and his voice softer. "You don't understand princess, you like it when I push you" he said as he moved my hair from my neck so he could kiss it again. I sighed. „If you really tried to make me yours you would've known that I don't like it rough." i said smirking. He gets closer to my ear. „Oh I see you like it soft then, I like a challenge... I'll make you like it rough" he replies, while he nibbled on my ear and moved his lips closer to mine.

~~~~ to be continued ~~~~
We love a good cliffhanger HAHA now you gotta wait for friday!

XO 2020-lina

You're mine! - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now