You're Goin' Back To Jail.

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As Blanche curled the 6th and final roller into Eleanore's hair, she turned her head as a small yet loud knock came from the doorway. Before having chance to think who it was, the door swung open, as a man with dirty-blonde hair and dusty overalls hied in and shut the door again swiftly. He turned around, facing all four women at once, pushing strands of hair away from his forehead which had been stuck with sweat. ''Howdy, Blanche.'' He began, his voice a little hoarse as his dry throat itched when he spoke. ''Buck?'' The woman began, an expression of confusion and uncertainty spreading across her face. Barrow smirked, striding over to his wife and wrapping his arms around her waist. Blanche smiled back for the moment, before gently pushing him away again. ''Are you crazy?'' She began, her tone stern. ''Bustin' outta jail?''                                           ''Now baby-'' Buck begin, whining. ''Don't you 'Now baby' me! How in God's name did you let Clyde talk you into fugitivin'?'' Blanche snapped. Her husband sighed. ''It was my  idea.'' He groaned. ''Yours!? '' The blonde questioned, sharply. ''I got  ideas.'' Barrow muttered. ''Oh, How could you go and do this? Here I am, prayin' my heart out that they shorten your sentence-'' Blanche was cut off, as Buck interjected. ''Well, your prayers were answered; this made it real  short.'' A sudden vibration could be felt right under the couple's feet, as blazing sirens began painting the town just on the other side of the door. A shriek of 'Oh my God', coming from Blanche, overlapped with Buck's repetitive cursing. After a brief moment of panic, another client in the salon stood up. ''I'm leavin'.'' She proclaimed, slightly suspiciously. 'Perhaps she has things to hide to...'   Buck pondered. Suddenly, a more situation-appropriate idea came to mind- He could, potentially, disguise himself as one of the ladies. ''You sit down!'' He demanded at the lady, who was well on her way to striding out of the shoppe. ''You- get up!'' Barrow turned to another woman, not yelling, but still stern. ''Gimme your bib! Uh...Magazine! Everybody just stay calm- I was never here! '' Buck was rigorous as he spoke, assuring the other women that his plan would be effective. ''Purse!''

Just as Buck propped the magazine up over his face, Two men from the Dallas County Sheriff's Office arrived. ''Evening, ladies.'' The older man greeted. ''Evening, sheriff.'' All the others replied- apart from Buck of course. The sheriff turned to Blanche. ''We're here about your husband, Marvin, aka 'Buck Barrow'. You heard from him?'' His voice contained authority, as he extended the ending of emphasised words each sentence. ''Oh no, Not since he got himself arrested! I don't got no room for a man like that in my  life! You'll find him sittin'  in the McLennan County Jail!'' Blanche could feel herself going red from the lies, a feeling of dread and panic rushing through her veins. ''No you wont.'' Suggested the other sheriff, Smoot Schmid. ''What?'' Blanche gasped, pouring the men glasses of lemonade as to appease them. ''Him and his brother, Clyde, got it into their heads to escape.'' The older man added. ''No..! That's not...possible!'' The woman fabricated. ''Well,'' The sheriff began. ''If you see him, or know anything  of his whereabouts, you call the Dallas County Sheriff's Office right away, you hear me?'' He told her. ''Of course!'' Blanche answered, a little too optimistic. She worried it'd ruin her act, but luckily for her, it didn't appear to affect it. ''You all have a good evening. Sorry to interrupt doin's.'' The sheriffs both strolled back out of the salon, their cars speeding off into the distance after a minute. 

Blanche picked up one of the half-full glasses of lemonade, drinking it like a well-deserved wine after a long day. In the mean time, Eleanore snatched the magazine out of Buck's hands, whipping him with it, wanting her seat back. Barrow got up, giving the lady her purse and bib back, and ran over to his wife. ''Oh my god, baby! Baby, you were fantastic!'' He exclaimed. ''I am havin' a heart attack. They ain't never gonna stop  lookin', Buck!'' Blanche replied in one breath, anxiety ridden. ''They never do.'' Eleanore interrupted. ''That's right.'' Another lady, Stella, added. There was a moment of silence, before the final woman, Trish- The lady who almost left early on- gave her idea. ''They're gonna get him.'' Buck pulled Blanche in by the waist once again. ''They won't find me if we go away some place. You're always talkin' about goin' to New Mexico. Startin' fresh!'' The ladies gasped and smiled. ''How romantic!'' Stella interpolated, followed by a ''How beautiful!'' From Eleanore. ''They're gonna get him.'' Blanche gently nudged him away again. ''This wouldn't be goin' to  New Mexico, it'd be runnin' from  West Dallas!'' Her voice was filled with severity and sarcasm. ''She's got a point.'' remarked Eleanore. ''Still, I hear New Mexico's real nice!'' Stella contradicted. Trish leaned in to whisper into Buck's ear. ''They're gonna get ya.''

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