The Waiting Game

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While Luffy left to inform Nami on their sudden change in route, Sanji poked his head in the room where you laid on the table. The worry caused his curly brows to furrow as he approached your unconscious body.

The cook knew you were a strong woman, however, seeing you laid out almost lifeless on the table crushed his heart in ways unimaginable. Your breathing was slow and wheezy as if your lungs were punctured and struggling to heal. He took your hand gently, stroking the top of it with a saddened expression on his face.

His lip quivered as his woman was incapacitated in a way he wasn't sure how to help or comprehend. "My dear...I'm so sorry....I'm sorry...I wasn't fast enough...or strong enough to prevent what had happened...but...I know when you wake up...all you'll do is blame yourself....well...I want you to know it's not your fault..."

Seeing there was nothing to do until making it to Moon River island, Sanji grabbed a bucket and filled it with water. The blonde took a few rags and soaked them in the water before placing one on your head, rubbing the blood off in gentle circles. His caring hand tenderly cleaned off as much blood as he could,  from your face, down your arms, torso, and even down to your feet.

It took a lot of strength for him to not shed tears while he wiped your body clean till all that was left was your blood stained clothes. With each wring of the rag, your body became it's typical pale canvas once more. Sanji leaned down kissing your forehead hoping his love could seep deep into your self conscious. He wasn't sure what was going on inside you, but one things for sure, is that he hoped his tender affection was enough to be felt.

"....I don't know if you could hear me my dear....but...would being like you...mean I can protect you better?...I...I'm a man...a mortal man....and you're like a that can't age...with me....but...I want you to know that I love you...and I...I hope when you wake up...that you tell me you feel the same way..." he said trying to keep himself together.

Sanji's heart sank as he noticed the bullet holes that had plunged into your body. There was nothing to be done until meeting Law in order for it to be done properly. The longer these bullets remained in your body, the more worried he felt as they were made from sea prism stone. He had no devil fruit powers to know just what could happen if he had something that weakened him deep inside.

He held your hand once more, lacing his finger between your own; your body was cold as usual which provided nothing but uncertainty that if that was a good thing or bad.

Suddenly, a knock was at the door. "Yoho?....May I come in?"

Sanji let a small sniffle break through the silence as he granted permission to the greeter.

The bony hand of the skeleton opened the door slowly and carefully as if you were sleeping and not to be disturbed. "Apologies...I just wanted to check on the both of you..." Brook said as he closed the door behind him with a slight creak.

"Oh it's fine..." the blonde replied in a mumble.

"So...nothing from her?" The musician asked in hopeful curiosity.

"What do you think?" He mentioned with a straightforward tone.

"Hey hey...look...I know you're frustrated....I just...wanted to see you both..." the bony man said softly.

With a heavy sigh, Sanji sat down in the chair he pulled up next to the table. "I know...I'm're only trying to help..."

"I get're on edge...she's laying there...and all you can do is's nerve wracking...that's if I had nerves...yohohoho" said Brook.

"So...what do you think?...Is she going to be ok?..."

"Well..." Brook started as he sat down next to him. "I couldn't say...there is no one like her to know how this'll go...and to be quite frank, back then...for her and I, sea prism stone didn't exist yet so I'm unsure as to how it'll affect her....that and...I don't have any meat for those bullets to get lodged in yoho"

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