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"Skyler, your crush on that chick is only going to lead to two things," began Rhen, fixing his baseball cap. I sat cross legged on the grass, while he laid there, with a dazed out expression.

"Enlighten me on those two things, wanker."

"She's either going to think you're some hella crazy stalker or just some mediocre indie musician," explained Rhen, running his nimble fingers through his golden blonde hair.

"Fuck you. What makes you think I'm mediocre?" I questioned, leaning over to pluck him in the forehead.

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Fucked up emo hair, one facial expression, the fact that you're wearing a plain shirt. Have some effing creativity!" explained Rhen, poking at my chest.

"Sorry. And my hair looks fine," I argued, hitting his hand away.

"Mate, your hair has to make a decision. Get a haircut or grow," complained Rhen, as he sat up, and sat cross legged like me.

"Whatever. My hair is great the way it is."

"Nah. It looks different today. What did you do?"

"Shit. I forgot to comb it," I said, remembering the events of this morning and running my fingers through my lifeless hair.

"Oh, you forgot about the lack of facial expressions," piped up Rhen.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?"

"No. Just looks like you're in need of one. You need to get laid. I need to get laid," rambled Rhen, his hands at the temples of his head.

"Look, Elliott texted me about some stuff we need to do a couple of weeks ago, actually," I said, pulling my cell phone out of my pocket.

"Wait, Elliott texted this? Don't do it!" exclaimed Rhen, his bright blue eyes widening.


"If Elliott comprised this list, then it's automatically a bad idea. Maybe the worst idea since genocide. Or even a tad bit worse," explained Rhen.

"That's true. He's made it a goal for everyone to lose their virginity. Even Rory," I said, as the two of us laughed.

"The only way Rory can get shagged is if a St. Aquinas girl was fucking desperate and sort of drunk. Then, she might confuse him for someone moderately attractive."

"So fucking true."

"Hey guys," greeted a voice. Colin stood above us, with two girls.

"Trust me, guys. I've seen your friend. The only thing he has is his hand," remarked a girl with blonde hair.

"I don't see how any of you get laid," commented the other girl, twirling a strand of her dark brown hair.

"I don't see their sex appeal either," interjected Colin.

"I know. That one looks like a wannabe emo twink," said the girl with dark brown hair, pointing to me.

"Fuck off. This is coming from the girl who looks like the cross breeding of the 1990's and a nun," I retorted, motioning to her wool crop top and mini skirt, both in black. She rolled her ocean blue eyes, which had heavy mascara and eye shadow surrounding them.

"This is my school uniform," argued the girl, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanna go to that school!" exclaimed Rhen, his eyes widening once more.

"It's girls only," I informed, nudging Rhen in the shoulder.

"Fuck. Come on, guys. I'll show you two the best crawl spaces at Thatcher," said Colin, winking at the two girls, and attempting to wrap his arms around their shoulders.

"Take your arm off of my fucking shoulder if you still want it attached to your body," warned the blonde girl, as Colin quickly removed his arm.

"Whoa. She's feisty," commented Rhen, exaggerating the word feisty.

"You make her sound like a disobedient dog," I returned, as he shrugged.

"All I'm saying is she's interesting."

"You're giving her the Rhen stamp of approval."

"Yeah I am. So go after her. Forget that girl you watch. This girl might actually like you," finished Rhen, giving his hair a flip. Since everyone seemed to be going inside for class, Rhen and I stood up, and began walking together to the school's double doors.

"Dude, I've got more stuff to worry about than some bitch who hangs out with Colin. If she hangs out with him, she's got low standards," I returned, as I opened the door, and walked into the school.

"We hang out with Colin."

"You have low standards. As long as the girl doesn't give you some type of genital disease, you don't care," I said, as I went to my locker. I twisted the combination lock, and tugged the switch to open a perfectly organized locker.

"Eh, girls will be girls. But I think there's medication for that."

"What? Your raging libido?" I asked, taking out my psychology notebook and a pen. Rhen punched his locker a final time, and miscellaneous notes fell onto the hallway floor.

"Hey, can I borrow a pen, man?" asked Rhen, grabbing his already battered notebook. I handed him a pen, and closed my locker.

"Er, so, when grieving over the loss of someone, whether a romantic interest or loved one, the best option is to simply remember them fondly without anger," concluded Rory, his voice trailing off, as Mrs. Branton kept sobbing.

"Are you ok, Mrs. Branton?" piped up Elliott, as Mrs. Branton blew her nose loudly into her handkerchief. She lifted her head, revealing red rimmed eyes and a bright red nose.

"Oh, fine, just fine," she replied, sniffling a bit.

"Oh, ok. Just making sure you weren't sad or anything," said Elliott, as Rhen hit him in the shoulder.

"Remember, Emily. Don't marry sports teachers anymore. They're already getting some from their students anyway," chimed in Rhen, shrugging unapologetically. Laughter erupted in the classroom, as I held out my palm, and Rhen hit it.

"All right. I'll take that into consideration next time I'm out on the scene," responded Mrs. Branton, midway through another sob.

"Good idea. So, er, is there anything we can do?" asked Rhen, everyone's attention focused on him.

"J-Just take a free period today. I'm going to go talk to Sarah," said Mrs. Branton, standing from her desk, and beginning to walk out of the classroom door.

"Ms. Parkerson's a bitch," said Elliott, breaking the awkward silence at our table. Andrew, the quiet one at our group, pulled out his notebook, and simply caught up on his notes.

"Elliott. She told you that if you wank off too often, you're going to get carpal tunnel in your hand," I reasoned, drumming my fingers on the table surface.

"Don't you remember when your right hand wouldn't stop twitching?" quipped Rhen, laughing quietly to himself.

"Whatever, man. The twitching stopped, but my folks are out of town for the week," boasted Elliott, his dark green eyes shining.

"So?" I questioned, my fingers now thumping the surface.

"No parents? Cabinet full of liquor with no key? Cute girls? And myself? How stupid can you be Skyler?" asked Elliott, widening his eyes.

"I'm being sarcastic. You're going to throw some wild party and you're going to end up with some disease again," I predicted, as Elliott rolled his eyes.

"I don't give a fuck. Party's at my house, tonight and tomorrow," returned Elliott.

"There better be St. Aquinas girls there," interrupted Rhen.

"Don't worry. Colin's on that," said Elliott, a large grin forming on his face.

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