Chapter 18

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23 Dec,2015

When I reached the living room the door bell rang. Making my startled. I didn't make a single noise so that the person outside would think that no one is in the house. I mean I hope the person thinks so, otherwise I am dead as hell.

The door bell rang for the second time...for the third time...for the fourth time...and for the fifth time.

I was sitting near the couch hoping that the person would leave. After five minutes or so the person started to shout from outside.

"Open the damn door Chaya I know that you are inside" it was a female voice not a male's voice. And it sounds like I have heard the voice before but where "Are you opening the door or should I just break it down" and then it hit my mind that it was Kanvi's voice.

I rushed towards the door and opened it. Kanvi was standing outside holding her sketchbook on the left hand, her bottle and tote bag on the right. She glared at me and got inside. I was closing the door when I heard something falling or should I say someone falling. Closing the door I rushed towards Kanvi hoping she was fine.

When I reached closed enough to her she shouted again "Turn on the fucking lights woman." This girl can win the first prize in a competition of shouting at people.

Shaking my head I turned on the lights. I looked towards Kanvi and saw her art supplies scattered all over the place and her sketchbook half drenched with whatever was there in her water bottle.

Oh oh I am dead today.

"YOU CRAZY WOMAN WHAT WERE YOU DOING SHUTTING ALL THE LIGHTS AND NOT OPENING THE DOOR" she shouted again this time I am sure even the neighbouring city heard her voice.

"W-why don't you go and clean up yourself and then I will tell you about everything with a cup of hot chocolate? What do you say?" I tried my best to compose her. And I know that she would never ever decline a hot chocolate specially in winters.

She narrowed her eyes and said "Are you hiding a guy over here?"

Flustered I crossed by arms and said "No I would never do that".

"Are you sure?" She questioned.


Sighing she nodded her head and stood up from the ground.

"Were you watching horror movie?" she asked while walking towards her room leaving her supplies on the floor.



"So he saw you with them?" She asked sipping on her hot chocolate.

"I guess?"

"Hmm do you think it is someone from the business department or maybe someone who knows them?" She questioned looking at me.

"I don't know and moreover everyone knows about the Raghuwanshi twins. One is the badboy and one is the Playboy so..." I said looking down at my mug which was almost empty.

"Well that's true both of them are jerk." She said.

"Don't say that-" I tried to defend Advik but Kanvi cut me off in the middle.

"They are. Just because you like one of them doesn't mean I will start looking at them in a different light. They were are and always be jerk" Kanvi said while giving me a stern look.

I couldn't bring myself to argue with her right now because she already looks pissed.

"Do you think I should call my father and ask him for help? I am sure he will find out this piece of shit who is sending you these notes. And maybe I could just kill him after dad finds him out what do you say?" She asked making me shocked like how could she so casually talk about killing people.

"No I don't want anyone to know about it. I mean this the first time he wrote something weird like that. What if stops after today? Maybe it was just jealousy I mean I suppose it's jealousy" Kanvi was looking at me like I was saying that lions can fly and unicorns are real.

"Are you for real?" She asked me.

I curved my lips inwards and looked at the left side trying my best to not look at Kanvi because I feel like she would definitely kill me right now.

"You did all that, just so that you can sit infront of me and say maybe if would stop after today. I am literally friends with the most stupidest person in the whole entire world. There is no one who would be more stupider than you" she said no shouted at me.

I looked at her and said "I just got scared okay. I thought he was some psychopath or something like how could he send me a note like that when I don't even know him."

"Really? But now you are thinking about he would be just a little jealous seeing you with those twins so now you want to give him a chance huh?" She scoffed and gulped down her hot chocolate.

"Listen" she snapped at me and I looked at her while rubbing my hands underneath the table.

"If you are going to give that person one more chance then you can surely do that and I won't do anything for this time only. But if he tries to do any weird stuff or send you a note like this again then I WILL call dad. Do you understand?" She said naah promised. I am sure she will definitely kill the guy if she gets to know who he is.

Taking a long breathe she stood up from her chair and came towards me.

Kneeling down infront of me she held my hands and said "I don't want anything to happen to you. You are really important to me okay."

I nodded my head and hugged her.

She broke the hug and stood up.

"But still" she said.

"What?" I asked and then she smacked my head.

"What was that for?" I asked her while rubbing my head.

"For being stupid and dramatic. Next time just call me when you feel scared okay?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Okay" I said grinning at her.

Tell me what do you think about the chapter.

What do you think about Kanvi?

Don't forget to vote.

I love you all ❤️.

Thanks a lot for reading my work.

Btw I changed the date from 25 to 23 because you know there are no classes on Christmas.

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