Tom Kaulitz

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I roll over in my bed hearing my phone ring, i practically fall back asleep as my phone goes to voicemail, i let out a relieved sigh until it rings again, i groan and roll over retrieving my phone from the nightstand i glance at the caller ID seeing my best friends name i bring the phone up to my ear lazily.

"whatt...?" i say sounding more snappy than i meant it to. "hello to you to, its 12pm how are you still sleeping" my friend responds "its the fucking weekend Kassie, how are you up and so chipper" i slowly sit up in my bed waking up a bit running my hand through my bedhead. "you're just lazy y/n, anywayyyyyy i have something important to tell you!" Kassie squeals through the phone making me wince i bit, i lean against my headboard getting ready to listen to whatever she's about to go on about. I hum letting her know I'm listening. "okay so you know how I'm going to the Tokio Hotel concert with Becca, well she called me this morning and her parents are being mega a-holes and she got grounded she she can't come with me and i was hoping you'd come because i cannot go by myself" i could hear her smile through the phone. I groaned a bit "do i have to?" i say a bit annoyed i didn't even know the band. "yes" Kassie said in a sassy tone. "its all paid for the hotel is really nice and its a VIP meet and greet ticket!" Kassie sounded excited" Kassie i don't even listen to their fucking music" i bite out at her. "y/n please my dad wont let me go alone, plus the lead guitarist is totally your type! look him up" Kassie says in a more flirty tone i get up and walk over to my desk where my laptop is and open it. " okay whats his name?" i say getting a little excited to see. "Tom Kaulitz!" she says excited, i stopped for a second." how the mother fucking fuck do i spell that!?" i say confused, i hear Kassie laugh. "K-a-u-l-i-t-z" i spell it out into google and press enter waiting for it to load. "oohhhhh.... holly shitttttt" i say in more of a whisper " see! i told you!" Kassie laughs out. hes fucking hot, id ride that shit all day. "okayyyy I've had a change of heart, ill come with you but only cuz you're my best friend and you begged me" i say with i smirk that she could probably hear.

~time skip~

Its now Friday and the concert is tomorrow, i walk into my house and see that my dad is actually home for once, hes usually out at some bar all night and gone for days with some skank he found at a bar, i try to sneak past him as hes passed out on the couch, i get to the stairs and and the first step makes a loud sound when i put my weight on it and I whip my head around frozen hoping my dad doesn't wake up, he doesn't move so i continue up the stairs and go to my room to pack, i pack all my stuff and quietly start back downstairs hoping my dad is still asleep i head to the door when i feel my bag start to slip off my shoulder but when i try to catch it i swing it into the desk in the hallway and knock over a picture of my mother sending it smashing to the floor. i freeze hoping nothing will happen, just when i though i was free and started to walk to the door i felt a strong grip on my shoulder as my father whips me around. "where do you think your going?" i wince at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "I'm going to meet some friends" i said with a shaky voice. "what, you're going to see some guys? going to be a little slut just like your mother?" he spat at me, that got me, my mom was not a whore. "mom was not a slut! she was the only one who cared! you were the one who went sleeping around and getting drunk! you're the reason that shes gone! shes dead because you're a useless waste of space!" i yell at him my rage taking over but i regretted it all as soon as i said it, i was terrified i didn't know what he could do, just as i had that thought i heard a loud crack sound and felt a hot burning on my temple and eye, i look back to my father and see a half smashed beer bottle in his hand, i slowly raise my hand to my temple and wince as my fingers touch my skin i lower my hand and see so much blood my vision starts to blur, i glance up to my father and the rage pours out of me and i lose it again. "what the fuck!? you piece of shit! you're never going to fucking see me again!" before i can think about it i feel my hand connect to his face and i storm to the door. as i grab the door handle the rest of the broken bottle smashes right beside my head leaving a beer stain on the wood, i whip my head around and look at him. " you fucking psycho i hope you get fucked up by one of your hoes pimps" i open the door and before i slam it in his face, without turning back to him i say "fuck. you." and slam the door and leave down the driveway where Kassie is waiting for me in her fancy car. I I open the door and climb into the car with a exaggerated sigh, Kassie turns and looks at me concern on her face. "what the fuck happened to you?" i look at her with a bit of a smirk. "better watch your mouth before daddy cuts your allowance" she looks taken back by my comment and i sigh. "sorry Kassie my dads just a fucking piece of shit" i look down at my hands still covered in my blood. "do you have any makeup wipes so i can clean myself up before i give you the whole story," i glance at her with a sad expression on my face. "ya, there just in the glove compartment," she points in front of me. i pop it open grabbing the small package taking a few out and bringing them to the side of my face looking at the damage in the reweave mirror. "so what happend y/n?" Kassie asked. "i broke a picture of my mom so my dad smashed a bottle over my face," i shrug to show i didn't care. "y/n thats a big deal you should go to the cops." i sigh, "hes not worth it, im never going back there. i hope he fucking rots in hell," i glance out the window as she peels off my road.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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