°A Deal For The Show°

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Thanks to Lynettes intervention, Lyney and Freminet worked together peacefully. Changing post once three hours had passed. Stain was a professional, never staying in one place too long, only to be spotted halfway across the city.

Freminet noticed that there wasn't any patterns, he was moving purely on instinct and whatever target he had at the moment.

The best way to predict his route, was by keeping tabs on his potential targets. This is when Lynette joined the information gathering. Digging up dirt on hero's since she understood the internet better than Lyney.

Interestingly enough, she didn't like the machine, which meant that Fremient typed and scrolled through the articles while she either crossed, or circled a potential victim based on what they found.

They actually worked pretty well together, letting Lyney relax as he used his shows as an excuse to enter Villain hideouts and gain an influence in their ranks. Of course, Hawks was aware of... Half of what they did.

They were in dangerous business, playing with both sides. But that's how it's always been, fatui business wasn't save and Lyney wanted all the cards he could hold.

"Lyney, I think he's going to strike a hero called bubblegum."

He quickly opened his eyes and sluggishly stood up from the sofa inside the library, and leaned on Freminets chair as Lynette nodded.

"Yes, he's a disgusting pig that extorts his female employees."

Freminet turned to him.

"It's a perfect candidate, and he's rising in the popularity charts because of his apperance. I'm sure Stain has his eye on him."

Lyney nodded with a hum.

"Guess we should tell Hawks..."

He grabbed the phone and dialed the hero while his siblings turned to each other. Freminet was the first to speak.

"Lyney, hasn't slept well..."

Lynette nodded, rubbing the paper with her notes on it.

"He's been making connections, and stays out late."

She huffed, playing with the paper while remembering all his trips outside, and how they would both stay up until he came back.

"I don't get why he's always trying to do things on his own..."

She knew why, they both did. But since 'father' wasn't here, they hoped this bad habit would disappear for a bit. But Lyney wants to prove himself to Hawks, to the villain organizations he's conversing with, and maybe...

Lynette sighed, before looking up at him.

"Fremi, why don't we get some food? Maybe, cake?"

Freminet could tell she was craving some.

"Alright, I won't tell Lyney."

She gave him a small smile.

"Thank you."

When Lyney finished the call and turned back, he got the odd sense that they were scheming something behind his back. He crossed his arms and looked at them with a raised brow.

"Okay, what's with you two now?"

Lynette shaked her head and Freminet followed her example. Lyney squinted his eyes at them before sighing. It seems they've teamed up now...

Their phone rang, showing it was a villain that wanted to hire them. Lyney frowned, and looked between them, and the caller ID.

"Can you two meet up with Hawks? I'll be back later."

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Where stories live. Discover now