I'm watching you livestream
You're playing a game with your friend
When suddenly serious talk
I stop breathing, what did you just say?
My heart is beating crazy
I didn't expect that, can't believe
What game were you playing? I dont know
What happened in the game? I don't know
Then you sing
I start smiling and hide under my blanket
Omg, omg, omg, omg, omg
Oh, my god... ... ...
Are you singing? For... me?
Hugging my pillow
It's the most wonderful song I've ever heard
The sweetest voice, I can't believe
I'm so tired, haven't slept in 28 hours
I am dozing off
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ dreaming ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I'm visiting you, staying in your house,
In your room while you sleep elsewhere
It's nighttime, you knock on the door
We hug on the bed as we've done in RP
Just holding on, cuddling close
You ask for a good night kiss
I hide and say: wouldn't that be weird?
You look at me and reply:
We're not really brother and sister, you know.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ the end ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Explosions, gunfire and colorful language
I'm awake again
Silly little kitten dreaming about a livestreamer