Dev Log #2

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{Tape Date: 1995/1/6}

(BTW watch Genesis on Greenio's channel on YouTube)

[Jim] "This is.... Dev Log number two."
[Jim] "The engine's just... great right now."
[Jim] "We're getting great progress."

[Jim] "I got the new system... We changed from Ultra 64 to Nintendo 64."

(On the CRT, we see Mario move a bit. There are 16 coins collected and 4 stars. There's also text that says "SECOND CONTROLLER NOT CONNECTED".)

[Jim] "We made a.... multiplayer system for the game."
[Jim] "Haven't made a dev log in a bit. It's 1995 now."

*There's a knock on the door.*
[Jim] "Gotta end the dev log. See you on Dev Log #3."

(The tape ends.)

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