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I have decided to ensure the validity of both options! The Moon and Venus will both come to understand this by simply inquiring Mercury. Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude for the overwhelming support with over 100 reads on this book. It truly means a lot to me! Would it be alright if I refer to you and the other readers as stars? It would be a pleasant way to address you all. Furthermore, I have two books that I recommend you read: "Extinction" (a space-themed book based on Apophis) and I am currently working on a new book titled "Atlas Within Me" (which I am in the process of printing and is also available on Google Docs). Please let me know if you would like me to publish "Atlas Within Me" on Wattpad so that you can have access to it. Anyway, let's proceed with the story.

Warning: mentions of suicide! Death and more.


It has been quite some time, and surprisingly, Venus and Siyni have begun to develop a harmonious relationship. They have even started engaging in conversations. Little did Siyni know that Venus was aware of Siyni shared connection with Earth. This revelation greatly perplexed Venus, leading him to question his own understanding out of frustration. Consequently, he made an unexpected decision one day - to approach Mercury and seek answers to his inquiries.

Venus muttered quietly to himself as he prepared to speak to Mercury, whom he referred to as a pipsqueak. "Mercury.. I-I-" He hesitated momentarily before continuing, only to be interrupted before his voice could fully come out. "Are you here to apologize?" Mercury asked playfully, a smile on his face. "NO! Ugh.. You fool. I came here to ask you.. A question." Venus scolded Mercury, his anger returning to his usual tone. Mercury blinked several times, then nodded. "Go ahead and ask." He mumbled, his voice wavering slightly. "Is Siyni.. Earth?" Venus asked suddenly. Mercury took a moment to process the question, his eyes widening in realization. "How did you know?!" Mercury exclaimed loudly, then quickly lowered his voice. Venus paused, his eyes widening in response. "You pretty much just gave away the answer, pipsqueak." Venus muttered, frustration evident in his voice. "O-Oh.. Sh-" Mercury began to stammer, but was silenced by Venus gritting his teeth.

Venus hissed in disbelief, "For how long have you been aware?!" as he relentlessly pursued the smaller planet. "I have been aware ever since Siyni came into existence! He boldly confessed it to my face!" Mercury retorted with a raised voice. Venus momentarily hesitated, but ceased his pursuit of Mercury's demise. "I desire to confront him," Venus hissed. Mercury let out a sigh and motioned for Venus to accompany him.

Venus and Mercury finally caught sight of Siyni relaxing with the moon. "Greetings, Mercury and Venus! Moon is aware!" Siyni exclaimed before realizing the gravity of the situation. "No need to fret, I'm already aware... you foolish imbecile!" Venus hissed, tears welling up in his eyes. Siyni's gaze softened upon seeing the tears in Venus's eyes. "Oh, please don't shed tears over this. I'm here-" Siyni attempted to uplift Venus, but his words were interrupted by a forceful nudge from Venus. "You attempted a foolish suicide! I have every right to cry... You imbecile! You were declared dead for countless millennia!" Venus retaliated, tears streaming down his face.

Siyni experienced a profound sense of guilt. "However, I believed that this decision would bring happiness to everyone!" he exclaimed, causing Venus to abruptly halt. "Everyone was furious with me! A group advocating for a lunar revolution essentially wanted me dead!" Siyni lamented. He shook his head in disbelief. Venus frowned disapprovingly. "You should have informed me, you fool," Venus muttered. Unexpectedly, Siyni embraced Venus, despite Venus initially resisting, but eventually accepting it. "This is the sole occasion where I will permit you to hug me," He grumbled.

Moon and Mercury observed as this scene unfolded, unable to resist smiling at the situation. Earth and Venus had never embraced or conversed in such a manner before, making it heartwarming to witness their hug. Moon exchanged nods with Mercury, who reciprocated the gesture. "Allow me to join in the embrace!" Moon chuckled and gracefully floated over. Siyni warmly welcomed the gesture and somehow managed to hug Moon.


I am perplexed as to why this was incredibly adorable! I am completely clueless.. On another note, my cat managed to escape from the house 😂 and I apprehended him in the act outside in the parking area. He truly is mischievous! I believe he won't be on the nice list this year. Nevertheless, I am contemplating creating Chapter 7 tomorrow, which will consist of amusing jokes of various kinds! Considering that this chapter was somewhat disheartening yet endearing.

Life is unfair,
But suicide won't solve it though.
Talking to someone would.

-MuiTea573 Out!

-816 words

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