Chapter 5

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Shubman Pov

Ishan , My love , I will not let anybody hurt you , Before coming for you they have to deal with me , I will kill myself Before seeing you dead , I will protect you with my life , Ishu ...with my life *** With these words shubman hug ishan more tightly like he wanted ishan to just immersed in him , shubman stops his thoughts and so he could enjoy the hug ****

After 10 mins of hugging shubman , Ishan tried to  separate himself from shubman but Shubman stops ishan by hugging more tightly

Ishan -:" Shub...Shubman .. you are crushing me , someone can come anytime know It could cause a problem an..."

Shubman -:" shushhh .... Don't speak anything, let me enjoy this moment... You don't know ..Ishu how much I missed you "

Ishan  ( slightly sad )-:" Shubman,
..You are  getting engaged now , you should not speak these words to your e..ex "

Shubman cupping ishan's face between his palms -:" No baby , I only love you , trust me , I don't love sara at all , I only love my Ishu , This heart only belongs to you , I am yours and you are mine .... I belong to you and you only "

Ishan slightly angry , grabs shubman's collar and pulled him more close -:" Lie ...Lie ..Lie ...all you do is lie to me , I have once trusted you but not anymore shubi , I have once let you broke my heart but not  again (ishan started crying) shubi  .... You know whenever I used to see you , happiness  used to spread all over my body , I loved you , shubi much that I am disgusted with myself that I still want you , I still miss your warm body against mine , I still miss your kisses , I still miss my shubi shubi .... Who was ready to destroy the world for me ...  who couldn't bear to see tears in my eyes ..... I don't like this shubi ... I don't love this shubi ... Who only lie to me ... Who manipulates me ... Who broke my heart .... Who didn't even think twice before breaking up with me .... ( Ishan hiccuped )
Shu..shubi...wh...why d..did you break u...up wi...with ?  Was I not enough ?

Shubman takes ishan's hands from his collar and bring them towards his lips ... He softly kisses them -:" Ishu... Calm down ... I know Ishu ...that I have hurt you but please trust me ...I only did that for your good ...And  You are more than enough for me baby but I am not telling you the reason is for your good only "

Ishan harshly takes his hands from shubman and pushed him away -:" Then FUCK YOU... MISTER SHUBMAN...I thought we could still be friends after you helped me today but no... Now I don't even want to do gym with you , now ... I am going "

Shubman was on the verge of crying , he was so frustrated and angry at himself for hurting his Ishu  , he started shivering in fear of ishan hating him so much

Ishan started walking towards gym door but was soon stopped by the back hug

Shubman started crying  while hugging ishan from behind , he tightly holds  ishan from his waist -: "Please ...please ... Don't leave me ....Ishu.. Ishu... I love you ... only you ....please don't leave
me ....... Please...please ....please .....please
..please "

When Ishan listened to shubman repeating words , he got alerted , he recognised the symptoms of panic attack, he turns and cuppes shubman's face
" Shubi baby ...calm down .. I am not going anywhere..ok ... Please calm down  ... Let's go to my room ok ... We can't stay here ... Are you listening..shubi ..please answer me ...( Shubman nodded )

Ishan room

Ishan and Shubman were sitting on the bed , Ishan was trying to calm down shubman

Shubman -:" Ishu.. don't leave me ....Ishu... Mom left me .... Ishu you will leave me like my mom..... right ... She left me with my fucking dad ... Dad said It was my mistake....Ishu you know that right It was not my mistake ...... Ishu ... Ishu.... Don't leave me ...  Don't leave me ... Ishu ...Ishu ..Ishu...Ishu... Ishu ...Ishu ...Ishu ..Ishu "

Ishan was now scared because he knew if he didn't calm down shubman otherwise he will go into trance , Shubman 's trauma will come back ,Ishan knew how much time and courage it took for shubman to fight his trauma and ishan didn't wanted his shubi to face those horrifying dreams and sleepless nights again, now, ishan was only left with one option  ... He hesitated but his love for shubman overcame his hatred for shubman and he decided to help shubman in calming down himself, he knew It works because he has handled shubman's panic attack before

Ishan to himself -:" I am only doing this to save shubi .. Yes .. if a stranger was there .. I would have done same .. Yes .. no feelings.. I don't love him ... It's just to save him "

Ishan pulls shubman's , he brings his lips near shubman 's lips
" Don't get any idea that I still don't love you ...o..ok.. This is only to save you "
Ishan takes a deep breath and he finally kisses shubman ... Shubman slowly comes out of his trance when he feels someone's lips over his , he soon calms down and gets immersed in the kissing , when he discovers, who was kissing him , who was none other than his Ishu .

Ishan to himself while kissing  -:" To whom , I was kidding, I wouldn't have done this to anyone, I wouldn't have even cared ... but this guy ... makes me so  weak ... this man makes me do things which I will not do , even for my parents... His lips ... why his lips taste so well ... Why I am not able to seperate myself from him ... Why am I not able to hate  him for what he did with me  ..... Only I  know how much  I still love him with my whole heart ... Why I am doing this with him  .... Ahhhh"

Shubman bites on ishan's lower lip .................. Ishan gasps and without wasting any minutes shubman insert his tongue inside , shubman starts exploring every inch of insides of ishan , he was devouring ishan like a beast , hungry from decades , shubman was kissing so fast and harshly that ishan was not able to breath

Ishan -:" Sh..shubhi .. I't ..bre..breathhhhh .... Ahh... Hhh ..shubiiiiii slowww do..down "

Ishan started caressing shubman's hair while enjoying the kiss , slowly shubman removes himself from ishan's lips and starts sucking on the neck of ishan like a  lion claiming his  food ,  soon shubman ' s hand slipped under ishan shirt and starts caressing the body  of ishan while sucking on ishan 's neck .

Ishan -:" Shubii ......Ahh..aaaa... not there ... Hhh .. shub... "

Shubman smirked , when he found the sweet spot on ishan neck and started sucking more harshly

Ishan's mind was clouded with longing of shubman 's warm body and sexual needs that he didn't refuse when Shubman removed ishan's shirt and starts sucking on  his collarbone

Shubman was sucking so harshly that ishan was a  moaning mess

Ishan -:" Ahhh ...hhhh..  Ittt huur...hurts ... Ahh ...hhh , Shu...slow... DD down "

Do comment Yes , if you want me to continue writing this scene and want to read some naughty scenes or No if you want to skip the sex part

Next part will be on next friday


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