twenty feet above the ground

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'You got stood up at a carnival & I work there so I'm giving you free rides on the ferris wheel until you lighten up' au

A/N: This idea was inspired by this prompt, but doesn't fit it to a T. I hope you don't mind. <3

Beta: Hannah (troyescoolshit)

the air was heady and dusty
even from twenty feet above the ground

two boys sat at the top of the ferris wheel
the sound of children stuffed with too much sugar
and middle schoolers screaming on carnival rides
drifting up to them

they didn't speak a word to each other
but they looked to be comfortable
enjoying just being together

a flash of indecision before determination settled on one's face
looking to his companion who stared back with curiosity

a quick kiss on the cheek
a grab of the hand
and surprise stared back

small smiles
quite blushes
fingers laced

moms ran after screaming toddlers
corn dogs were served to rambunctious teenagers
nobody but the stars
were watching love's genesis

twenty feet above the ground

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