Chapter 62

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While Lin Fengzhi was talking, Yan Heqing had already thought of a new idea.

Lu Muchi was imprisoned in Lu Zhai, and he lost an opportunity for his next plan.

Now that Lin Fengzhi asked him to come to visit, it undoubtedly gave him the most legitimate reason.

But Yan Heqing was not in a hurry to agree to Lin Fengzhi.

He wants to be "chased" by Lin Fengzhi to agree.

As expected, Yan Heqing remained silent and said nothing, but Lin Fengzhi felt guilty. He also knew that his request was too much.

"I know it's very difficult for you to face Lu Muchi..." He looked more serious. "I will help you if you need it in the future!"

Yan Heqing finally said, "Besides, it's very busy since school starts."

The class group has been very lively recently, and Lin Fengzhi realized the reason. It turned out that school was about to start.

He bit the corner of his lower lip, "Is it okay this weekend?"

He didn't mean to rush Yan Heqing, but the situation was too urgent. The longer he delayed, the more he was worried that it would cause a bigger trouble.

He knew Lu Muchi's temper best, and he was more stubborn than anyone else.

Yan Heqing still didn't give a clear answer, "Watch it on the weekend."

Lin Fengzhi started out as a star in the crowd. Everyone liked him and pampered him. Except for Lu Lin, Yan Heqing was the second person who disobeyed him. Lin Fengzhi was not used to it and felt aggrieved.

He let go of Yan Heqing's arm, lowered his head and said gloomily, "Oh. Then let me know as soon as you are free, and I will tell you the address."

Now that the trouble was barely solved, Lin Fengzhi's nerves, which had been tense for several days, finally relaxed for a moment, and he remembered the hundreds of thousands of crystal ornaments there.

It wasn't Lu Muchi, he thought of another person, the woman who gave Yan Heqing expensive fruits.

He inquired curiously, "Brother, what is the name of the friend who is chasing you?"

He casually gave away hundreds of thousands of crystal ornaments. Maybe he was from their circle, maybe he knew them.

Yan Heqing did not expect that Lin Fengzhi's memory was surprisingly good on such insignificant matters. He said calmly, "He didn't chase me."

Lu Lin is only in the contact stage with him now.

Lin Fengzhi didn't care, "Let's not talk about chasing him. He is a very good friend to you."

Yan Heqing looked calm and said, "I will introduce you to me next time I have the opportunity."

"Isn't it that mysterious...forget it." Lin Fengzhi muttered, he raised his hand and looked at the time, "It's getting late, I'll leave first, you have a good rest."

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly.

There was a question that had been lingering in his mind for a long time.

Like a silkworm that keeps spinning silk, it has finally become a thick cocoon during this period.

If you don't ask, the cocoon will explode.

Beiqi bit down a few teeth marks on his lips. He didn't turn around and said, "Brother, can I ask another question? You have to answer me honestly."

Yan Heqing looked at him and said, "Okay."

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