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The mission was complete, BY ANOTHER TEAM BECAUSE SABO WAS WASTING SO MUCH GOD DAMN TIME! koala was thinking to herself, she was walking down the hallway of the revolutionary's grand fleet, which was currently heading somewhere to get to one of there biggest allies, she turned to him so fast that kizaru couldn't catch up with that speed, "YOU BASTARD!", she grabbed both his cheeks and pulled on it to the point it felt impossible, "oh come on, this is the fourth time this day" sabo said with a feeling this isn't going to go so well.

koala somehow managed to pull it farther, "WE LET DRAGON DOWN!" she was pissed!

"oh come on sweetheart-" sabo realised what he just said, that second his entire face turned red, so did koalas, she let go leaving a redder mark on both his cheeks, "w-w-what did you just call me?", sabo's face became even redder, "i don't even know if i can apologies..."

koalas pov:

many men call some women sweetheart, but we always saw eachother as partners in crime, or whatever you want to call it, but the thing was, i kinda liked it when he called me that, hes a idiot i know, but he is kinda cute, don't know how to explain it, he always made me laugh, sometimes because he was a pain in the ass and does something stupid, or he just says something funny.

i don't know how everyone else would react to my feelings though...

sabo's pov:

I always found her... hardworking, kind... cute.. never mind the last thing i said, i wonder how luffy and ace would react if i tell them "oh hey guys, i just fell in love with one of my co-workers", i don't know, either way i, don't... really know how to feel about her... its... a lot, alright, its alot.

we both tried are best to ignore it, its a lot more difficult then you would think, continuing to go to the dorms to go to bed, are dorms are split off from the rest since we are officers, ofcourse mine is a bit more fancy, with a lot more decorations, that i guess dragon wanted me to feel a lot more at home, but to be honest, while making , my way up the ranks i miss being with everyone else, i can't complain though.

sometimes i feel bad for koala, i mean after all she can beat my ass pretty fast, and yet shes just under my rank.

we stop though, staring at the sun, sinking into the ocean... "hey sabo, why didn't you leave the us when you got your memories back?" koala questioned him "three reasons, everyone here practically raised me, i want to stop the government" he turned to her and gave her a hug, pulling her towards him. "and i couldnt leave you" koala blushed, but she wanted to embrace the moment.

REVOLUTION [sabo x koala] work in progressWhere stories live. Discover now