The Competition

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Hi! (the picture has nothing to do with the one-shot, and credits to the artist)

This is the first story that I made in my spanish book, and because it's the first, you can already assume it isn't great...... it has  mistakes and some things that don't make sense, and I'm sorry for that, but I wanted to post it anyway. (and it's kinda cringy)

I hope that, even though it is not great, you can enjoy it! Have fun reading my mistakes! :D

(And btw, this takes place in season 3, but I changed it a little to make Varian the royal engineer now and not at the end of the series)



 Today is the day I am going to go to Corona for the competition that is going to be between alchemists and engineers, the truth is I don't even know why I am going because I already know that I am good at my job, I don't need anyone to tell me somehting I already know, I am also the youngest of all of them, which proves my capabilities since I got this position at only 15 years old, but since the King and Queen asked me to go, I have no choice.

(In Corona)

King Frederick: Hello and good morning alchemists and engineers of the 7 kingdoms, I cordially welcome you to the kingdom of Corona, as you may already know you are here to test all your knowledge in science and demonstrate what you are capable of, just some First indications: as there are 7 competitors, 4 engineers and 3 alchemists, one of the engineers will be placed as support and not as a competitor and so that none of them have to be forced to leave, our royal Engineer Varian has decided to be the volunteer for this.

 Varian: *goes out to the balcony and waves nervously*

You: ( he can't be their royal engineer, he doesn't look like it, he's cute though... wait WHAT DID I JUST THINK?!)

 Varian: Hello, well, * clears throat * as you already know, my name is Varian and I will be supporting the competitors, this is because of what has already been explained by the King, and since I am skilled in both engineering and alchemy I'm going to help both sides...

 Varian was going to continue speaking but the king interrupted him.

King Frederick: And with that clear! You can proceed to go to your rooms.

 Varian: Actually em, your majesty, I have still have to give other instructions about the use of my help...

 The poor boy was interrupted again

King Frederick: You may go!

You left, you felt a little sorry for the guy since he had been interrupted twice when he was trying to give an explanation, and you know what it feels like.

 You may be the youngest of all, but that means that almost everyone underestimated you a lot, and they always interrupt you when you talk to other scientists because they think they know more than you, just because they are older.

 You went where the palace maids told you, and settled in the room they gave you.

  You: (It's a very nice room) *you lay down on the bed* (and the bed is very soft!..)

 XXX: Hello!

Out of nowhere a voice greeted you and that made you scared and that made you fall out of bed.

XXX: Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, let me help you.

 When you raised your head you thought you had seen an angel, until you recognized him as the royal engineer of Corona, the fact that you had thought that he was an angel made you blush like crazy, to the point that you could beat a tomato.

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