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No ones pov:

As suspected y/n was in quiet the pickle. Don't get the wrong idea though, she wasn't in trouble with her dad.

Oh no, no, no.

Her dad wouldn't dare step into a teenage girls room unless it was too check if she was asleep when he got home late from work. Other than that he wouldn't dare step into her room.

But, she was in somewhat of trouble with the boys when she woke up the next morning.

"When the fuck did he leave the room!" -Draken

"Smiley you better get a hold of your brother!" -Baji

"Is he snuggling into her chest more!" -Mikey

"He's sleeping, he can't control his actions! I wish I was in his position though."-Smiley

"Your brother sure gots some balls to sleep with y/n with her dad in the house." -Kazutora

They were all whispering to each other, not noticing y/n slowly waking up. "The fuck are you all doing in here?"

At the sound of her morning voice the 5 boys standing all froze. Draken being the first to snap out of it and look at y/n. "Why is angry sleeping with you?" He had an angered look on his face.

"Huh?" Confused she looked down and remembered that she had someone else in bed with her. "Oh yea, he got scared after hearing my dad walk around so I let him sleep in my bed." She answered truthfully which made the 4 jealous boys calm down just a little bit.

"What's with all the noise?" Angry detached his arms from y/n's waist and sat up while rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Huh? What are you doing here big brother?"

By the sound of it, he had completely forgot where he slept at for the night.

"How'd you sleep angry?" Baji asked clearly jealous of the blue haired boy. "I slept great, actually no, I slept pretty amazing. Can't remember the last time I slept that good."

"Good to hear." The blue haired boy looked to his side and seen his crush laying down on the side of him with slightly tired eyes. "You mind getting up. I gotta see if dad and Aki are up." Angry didn't move but just stayed quiet.

"Oh right. Your dad left, he said something about handling some business." Angry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looked at his savior.

"Oh. Ok well I still gotta check on Aki." Angry nod his head and got up from the bed, y/n copying his actions and then walking out the room.

All 6 boys stood quiet and just looked at one another, not knowing what to say.

Mikey had opened his mouth to start a conversation, but the sound of Aki's voice cut him off. The listened as Aki explained to y/n about his dream with so much enthusiasm. They also heard y/n talk with the same energy, completely matching his vibe.

Subconsciously they all started to smile, even angry who always had a mad expression.

"She sure is good with kids." Mikey stated. "Yea. Mitsuya told me that when she went over to his place, she played with his sisters and they loved her." Baji agreed.

"Imagine how she'll be when she becomes a mom." Kazutora said with a smile on his face as he and all the other boys in the room imagined y/n as a mom.

"She'd be amazing at it." Smiley said, smiling bigger at his own fantasy of her smiling at their kid. They all smiled at their own fantasy of y/n with their kid.

All but Draken.

Draken imagined her with a kid that could belong to any one of his friends, but he didn't care. He just cared about whether she was happy or not, and she was happy. In his fantasy he imagined a grown version of y/n happily sitting on the couch with her kid in her arms, speaking to him or her in a soft baby voice.

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