Chapter 3: The Return of Ben 10 pt.3

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(☆Y/n's☆ Pov)


"You know him?" Magister asks as we watch Kevin come out of his car holding a briefcase.

"Kevin Levin- he's got superpowers. I fought him all the time when we were kids." Ben says as he looks at Magister before looking back at Kevin.

"He ended up trapped in the Null Void, kind of an extra-dimensional jail." Gwen says as you all watch Kevin walk over to the Forever Knights with the briefcase.

"Money's here." You guys hear the Forever Knights say as the show Kevin the money.

"Well, he's brokering the deal. Why not? You said it was illegal." The Forever Knights talk while Kevin grabs what he brought.

"As promised, four dozen factory-new laser lances. Ether-point energy module, antenna-focus emitter... it's good for 35 minutes of continuous fire at.06 terawatts." Kevin says as he uses the weapon to shoot a big metal crate before turning back to the Forever Knights.

"Is that good? You tell me." Kevin says with a smirk as he hands one of the weapons to a Forever Knight.

"Those lances are level-5 technology Planet Earth has only level 2!" Magister yells as he glares down at the Forever Knights and Kevin.

"Hey, what happened to the whisper?" You ask as Magister jumps off the big metal crate Ben, Gwen, Magister, and you have been hiding on.

"Hands above your heads, air breathers. By authority of the Plumbers, you're all busted." Magister says as you, Ben, and Gwen jump off the metal crate Glaring at the Forever Knights. The Forever Knights growl and groan as they grab at their faces and rip them off showing us that it was just a mask and that they are actually Aliens. (not all off them are Aliens some are Forever Knights)

"Oh, that's so creepy." Gwen says sarcastically as you nod in agreement.

"Isn't it?" Ben asks as you guys keep your eyes on the Aliens, The Aliens start running at us.

"Back off!" You yell at them as you use your Alien powers to push them back a bit, and the Aliens all growl and screech.

"What now?" Gwen ask as she makes as a shield in front of you all to keep the Aliens away, and the fire behind you guys is keeping both the Aliens and Forever Knights away from you guys.

"Standoff." Magister says as he stairs at the Aliens in front of you guys.

"Um, I don't think so. The other guys are behind us." You say as you look at the Forever Knights coming up behind you guys.

"We are toast." Gwen says as she looks at the Aliens and the Forever Knights.

"No, we're not." Ben says as he looks at us before looking at his watch.

"It's hero time!" Ben yells as he hits his watch but nothing happens...

(To be Continued...)

(I hope you guys enjoyed sorry this is kinda short)

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