Just across the hall 3

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Lisa was lying in bed with Jennie, her face buried in her hair when Jackson arrived. He looked away, embarrassed at having interrupted such an intimate moment. Lalisa was always so closed off, so stoic that seeing her falling apart over this wounded woman pulled at her heart. "Two plain clothes officers picked him up. He's down at the station," she said softly. "Bastard wasn't even trying to hide. He went into work like it was a normal day."

Lisa nodded, her possessive grip on Jennie's waist tightening. Jennie had easily identified her attacker as the same guy Lisa had chased off months earlier. Given that Lisa had taken note of the guy's information before booting her to the curb, it was a trivial matter to find her. "I'll be down within the hour," she said.

"I don't think that will be such a great idea," Jackson said.

"I'll be down," Lisa repeated darkly. Jackson hovered in the doorway for another couple of seconds and watched as his partner nuzzled the poor beaten girl to wake her. She whispered in her ear and lightly traced her fingers over her jaw. Jackson stepped out into the hallway quickly and closed the door behind him.


Lisa stormed in the room all the police officers affectionately called "the hole." she didn't bother checking in with anyone to see if progress was being made. She flew past Jackson and pulled the John from his chair, without breaking his stride, and slammed a fist into his jaw. Lalisa knew her fellow officers would be pulling her off the perp any second, so she pummelled into him as fast as she could, using every bit of energy she possessed to turn the little weasel into a grease spot.

"Lalisa!" Jackson called out but made no move to stop his partner. He had seen the look in her eyes when she came in and way she wrapped herself around that little beaten blonde, holding on to her body for dear life. If anyone was going to stop her, it wasn't going to be him.

The door opened and three officers came running in. Lisa didn't even hear them, so focused on her task. she snarled when they pulled her back and she lunged forward even as the John crumpled to the floor, nearly unconscious and bleeding.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Lisa raged, pulling against her fellow officers.


Jennie woke to find Lisa once again in bed with her. she was watching her carefully. She reached up and gently ran her fingertips across her cheek. Catching her hand in her, she gently brought her fingertips to her lips for a gentle kiss.

Jennie sighed, smiling despite the pain it caused her. "Shouldn't you be at work?" she asked.

Lisa shook her head. "The only thing I have to do is take care of you," she replied.

Two days later, when Jennie was finally released from the hospital, she found out how perfectly true Lisa's words had been. she didn't have anything else to do. The reason she didn't have anything else to do was because she was suspended from the police department pending a full investigation into her merciless pummelling of her attacker.

Part of Jennie wanted to rail at her for being so stupid. The other half, however, wanted to use a can of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and a set of rubber sheets to show her exactly how adorable she found her over-protective lover.

Jennie wasn't a fan of Lisa's heavy-handed tendencies, but she wasn't shocked when she took her home to her apartment, rather than her own. She also wasn't shocked to find her living room piled with all of her possessions. She looked at her television, sitting on top of her coffee table. Slowly, she turned to look at her. Given that she was carrying her, their faces were scant inches apart. "I guess I'm moving in," she said dryly.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Lisa said flatly before continuing into the bedroom. she tucked her carefully into bed and closed the blinds and curtains, darkening the room so she could rest. With a final, gentle kiss to her forehead, she left her alone so she could finish unpacking her things.

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