Chapter Thirteen

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Angel and Nathan sprung to their feet, only to dive behind a rock as the second lightning bolt came crashing down to the spot where they were standing a millisecond ago. Nathan poked his head above the rock. "Oh man, not again." He groaned as he realized what was happening.

Standing by the lakeside, was the faint silhouette of Drake. It was unmistakable; two orbs of electricity glowed in his palms, and bolts of lightning coursed down from the sky to merge with them. Nathan knew he was going to fire another lightning bolt at them at any moment now.

"Ruth!" I need you to..." his voice faltered as he saw Drake swing his arm backwards to fire another blast. "NO!" he yelled, but was too late.

The bolt of lightning shot through the sky at inhuman speed and reached both Katie and Ruth, who were side by side. Nathan tried to fire a wave of fire to protect them, but he was too late; his friends were going to be killed by the vicious lightning in a split-second...

Once again, there was no sound, no ear-splitting blast. There was only a dull "schwooping" sound as the lightning disappeared into the wall of soil that Ruth had managed to erect in front of both him and Katie, just in time to barricade the lightning strike.

"You okay?" Ruth moved over to Katie, cradling her head in his hands.

"Yeah." She replied, smiling. "Guess we're even now, huh."

Ruth chuckled in relief, only to black out as a wave of fatigue overwhelmed him.

"Ruth! Ruth!" Katie shook his face, horrified. Nathan and Angel dashed over to their friend's side. A few seconds later Ruth blinked back to life. "Whaa...." He mumbled.

"He's okay, he's just stunned." concluded Nathan, after checking Ruth's pupils. "And I don't think he has the energy left to create anymore stone shields, or do you?"

Ruth shook his head reluctantly. He was utterly exhausted, physically and mentally. The near-death drowning experience had sapped all his body strength and the exertion on having creating the wall of dirt had really taken its toll. Ruth was officially out of the game for the time being.

My Fire is basically useless against Drake's electricity. The only thing that can beat him is Earth, and now that Earth's down, we can only beat him with physical attacks. But before that, we'll have to get past his defense-the electric sphere. Nathan could sense a plan formulating itself in his mind. It sounded pretty crazy, but what choice did they have left?

"Okay, here's the plan." Nathan gathered the two girls and they huddled together just behind the wall of dirt. Nathan risked a peep over the wall. To his horror, Drake was once again encased in a gigantic ball of crackling electricity, and was advancing on the four of them, one step at a time, slowly but surely. Turning to the two girls, Nathan saw that their faces were aghast.

"Okay. Ruth, you stay put behind your dirt wall. Angel and Katie, our mission is to protect him from any kinds of harm whatsoever from Drake. Everybody clear so far?" Everybody nodded.

"Now this is Ruth's position," Nathan picked up a dry twig and drew a 'R' on the ground, followed by a dash above it, like the one they always draw for the mean of some random value in math class. "Angel, you'll be attacking from the left flank. You shall fly up high, and try your best to disrupt the balance in his ears by sending short air blasts." He drew an 'A' on the ten o'clock of the 'R'. "And you, Katie," he stopped to draw a 'K' on the two o'clock of the 'R', "You will attack from here, and conjure up waves of water from the Lake Michigan and try to douse his electricity or something. But be careful; every time you direct those waves at Drake, do not let them come in contact with your body or you'll get fried. You know, water conducts electricity and all that. Clear so far?"

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