Unwelcoming Welcome

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  This is it. Y/N is finally going to experience life at an all-boys school. She just so happens to have been chosen to be the student exchanged with Night Raven College for the newly introduced exchange program. The school Y/N comes from is a co-ed school, so seeing an environment without any other females around makes het a bit nervous.

  Her thoughts are interrupted as she arrives to her accommodation for the two months she'll be spending at Night Raven College. She spent quite a while wheeling her belongings around the school while trying to find the mirror chamber. Y/N lets out a long overdue breath and steps through the mirror which would take her to where she'll have to spend the next eight weeks.

  But, however, she did not expect the Heartslabyul dorm to be so... interesting. The intricate architecture of what seems to be a castle, the stone path leading up to said castle that is bordered with rose bushes, and the fountain centrepiece for the front exterior. All of it seems like the movie set for a fever dream.


Y/N's little exploration expiditon is interrupted by a voice. "Oh, so you're the exchange student we'll be receiving," says a boy with fiery red hair and a very small stature. However, Y/N simply ignores him, causing the boy to approach her even closer. Y/N pivots around and looks directly at him. 'This guy looks kind of... mad at me?' she thinks to herself.

"Ahem. Excuse me but you were being quite rude there. If I'm not mistaken, you're Y/N L/N," the boy says, a his voice a bit sterner than before. "I am Riddle Rosehearts, the dorm leader of Heartslabyul. While you are living in Heartslabyul dorm, you must comply with not only the school rules but also the rules that have been issued by the Queen of Hearts long ago. Though the failure of following Her Majesty's rules do not end in a harsh punishment, I expect you to cooperate nonetheless."

Y/N blinks once. Then twice. 'Is this guy serious? The Queen of Hearts' made hundreds upon hundreds of rules. I don't even know twenty of them!'. She notices that Riddle is staring at her expectantly, likely waiting fot a response. With a sigh, Y/N replies with "Alright then. Is there rulebook by any chance? Because if I'm not mistaken, I would have to memorize hundreds of unnecessary rules."

As if he's been mocked like a clown, Riddle's reaction to Y/N's comment that the rules are unnecessary is like a ticking timebomb that's reached the end of the countdown. He leans closer to Y/N and starts going on and on about how he rules are necessary to maintain conduct, order, and so forth. Y/N, which luggage still in hand, does nothing but stare as she pretends to take in all the information. It seems like a matter of minutes pass by before Riddle rounds up his verbal essay and walks away, leaving Y/N standing at the entrance of Heartslabyul in silence. Whatever Riddle was trying to imply, it flew right over Y/N's poor little head and she starts to think maybe choosing to stay with Heartslabyul was a mistake. Even though the welcome that Riddle gave was highly unwelcoming, Y/N has to get to finding her room and unpacking her belongings.

Unfortunately, finding her room seems to be a difficult task. The interior architecture seems even more like a fever dream than the exterior. Wonky furniture, strange items, and upside down chairs are just about everywhere. The hallways aren't any better. The stairs overlap each other and twist around like vines. The mere sught of whatever is going on gives Y/N a headache which likely will last for days until she gets used to this strange building. After Y/N manages to successfully find where the rooms are and manages to locate her own living quarters, she slams herself onto the bed in exhaustion. Her legs ache from running around the place trying to find her room. Her whole body yearns for sleep, but sleep doesn't come to her. It's as though she's gained even more energy after all the navigating.

Sparing no time and wasting none of her new found energy, Y/N decides it's best to unpack her things before she forgets. The shelves make it impossible to place something and make it stay in place very well due to the fact the bookshelf is literally twisted and all weird. The closet isn't any better, but the clothing hangers she decided to bring help with that. Inside her wonky donkey closet, she spots her own Heartslabyul dorm uniform aswel as her own NRC uniform. Tailored just for her. Though she doesn't want to admit it, the feminine version of the Heartslabyul uniform is stunning and the fabric is quite high quality.

  As Y/N wraps up her imaginative unpacking montage, she can't help but think about that ghastly encounter with Riddle Rosehearts. Despite being so small, he certainly left the lasting impact of giving Y/N the impression that he's annoying and slightly stuck-up. His little speech about the importance of honouring the Queen of Hearts' rules did not stick with her. 'Is everyone at NRC some sort of smart-mouth snob?' she wonders. Hopefully not. Y/N wants nothing more than to make more friends and get along with the opposite gender, even if it means dealing with people like the Heartslabyul dorm leader. And in addition, Y/N is yet to meet other students in Heartslabyul.

  'The first seven seconds is crucial whenever you meet someone. Appearance, personality, and what you say matters in order to give a good first impression,' Y/N says in her mind as she looks at herself in the mirror. She puts on her Heartslabyul dorm uniform, making sure no seam or garment is out of place. She does some minimilistic but effective makeup to really make the color of her eyes pop and look bolder, the color palette still sticking somewhat close to Heartslabyul's theme. In her mind, she starts rehearsing her introduction and how she wants to portray herself.

  Though she does all of this, is it worth it? Y/N wonders if all this effort will pay off in the end. She's practically acting like a toddler about to attend its first day of kindergarten. She shouldn't even be this nervous about being at NRC. But she is. Time will tell. For now, all she can do is try to make friends and avoid making enemies.


Author's Note: V4NR0UGE RETURNS! With a nee fanfiction! This chapter is quite short so I do apologize. I hope I haven't lost my fanficiton writing skills. Also Y/N is starting to seem like a little perfectionist so I do apologize if you don't align with that trait. Maybe I'll try mix and match her qualities. As for the off topic topic of what song I was listening to as I finished writing this, it was "affection" by BETWEEN FRIENDS.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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