Pleasant and Unpleasant

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Luna's Pov: 

Jack and I were getting ready to look around the place. When suddenly Sebek comes in. "I can't believe your house warden would separate me from my liege and rose thorn. I am here to guard them. Now I have no choice but to guard them from a far." We listened to Sebek ramble on for a bit. When another person came in.

Luna's mind, "oh come on, I just want some alone time with Jack." He has long black hair with pale skin. His eyes were blood red. They reminded me of war.

"Wow, so you guys are Night Raven students. You guys look so weak." He started to chuckle to himself and grin.

"Hey, that's pretty rude of you to say. Even though we have just met." Sebek said in a defying tone. The man stopped smiling and looked at him. His gaze was glued to Sebek for a minute.

"Ha, maybe some introductions are in order. I am Katus Mars. My family works on military equipment. I have seen many of our weapons, and they can't be beat. You three I have never seen or heard of before. What are your names." He glared at Sebek more than Jack or me. I decided to step up first.

"My name is Luna of Savannaclaw. I live in the Sunset Savanna." 

Jacks stepped up next. "I am Jack. I live in the Shaftland." I turn to Sebek, and he continues to glare back at Katsu. I walk over and nudge him.

He blinks for a moment then talks. "I am Sebek Zigvolt. I live in Briar Valley. I am the bodyguard my young master Malleus and lady Kira our healer." Katsu still glaring at Sebek smiles. 

"Oh my, I heard that we had royalty in our midst, but I thought. That I would at least recognize him. He must not have that commanding of a presence." This ticked Sebek off immediately.

"Why you. My liege's presence is larger than yours will ever be. You just don't have the eyes to spot him." Sebek's fists clenched up. His glare became fiercer. Jack came over to help me stop him from going on a rampage.

Katsu scoffed," Well I can see his subordinates have very little patience." He then started to walk out of the room, but before he could reach the door. We lost hold of Sebek, and his fist collided with Katsu face. Katsu swaggered a bit, but he kept his balance. 

"NO ONE, talks about my liege with that attitude." Katsu brung his hand to his face. He looked him. I could his eyes seething with rage. A bruise starting to form on his left cheek.

"That was," he paused," very unproper of you." He stood up and smiled. "Oh, how I wonder what the others would think of you, and your supposed liege and lady." The punch didn't seem to faze Katsu. He continued to walk out of the room his head held high. Sebek took a deep breath. He turned to face us. He suddenly bowed down.

"I'M VERY SORRY FOR WHAT I JUST DID. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL MY TEMPER." He spoke in a loud voice. He seemed to have regret his actions, but he also didn't. His fists were still clenched up.

I sighed, "It's alright Sebek. You were just trying to defend Malleus and Kira." He stood up and stared at us for a moment.

'My liege and lady truly have made good friends," he smiled.

"Now how about we go take a look around." Jack nodded, and I turned to Sebek.

"Oh, I will stay here. I need a minute to cool down."

"Alright, we will be back in just a bit." I took hold of Jacks hand as we walked out. He smiled as he blushed.

With Octavinelle:

Let's go see Aquarius, Floyd." Azul and Floyd were getting ready to go have a talk with Aquarius. They really hit it off once introduced. After walking for a while. They make it to the meeting spot. It's a nice gazebo surrounded by flowers. Aquarius was sitting at a table in the gazebo. Azul and Floyd sat down across from him.

"Hi, Azul it's nice to see you again. The trade you made about selling some of our wares to your lounge sounds pleasing. I do a lot of sea trade. I have plenty of decorations and silverware for you to choose from."

"Thank you, I would very well like to see them, and if you ever need anything granted. I will have a contracted ready for you."

"Hah, well thank you for the offer I will keep that in mind." As we continued to talk with Aquarius. I noticed an uneasiness in the way he talked. 

Floyd was the first to speak up about it. "You seem on edge Asfur Angelfishie. What seems to be the matter." Aquarius was taken aback by the nickname, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Wow, I can see you two are observant, or maybe I wasn't that good at hiding it. I wanted to warn you, and your fellow classmates to beware of the other Olympians. They aren't as kind as some of us. They hold inflated egos, and we get a pretty high degree and lifestyle to match." He continued talking in a careful voice. "Some of us are humble and don't mind talking to other people, but the others, they.." He trailed off in thought. He seemed to be trying to choose his words carefully. "They like to talk down to other people and feel insulted by others not evening knowing them.

"Oh wow, this is some pretty interesting stuff. We haven't run into any of those so far."

"Yeah, the others didn't seem to have any hostile feelings towards us." Floyd said interjecting Azul.

"Well just watch out, especially for-." Someone walked up to the gazebo. She walked up to us and just stood there. Her hair was long and curly, dark red. I looked into her eyes. They were dark and void like. She was pale and had a scar on her left eye. "Hey Fianna, I wasn't expecting to see. You are here. You rarely come.

She turned to face Aquarius staring down at him. "Aquarius, why are you talking to these," she said will side eyeing us, "these no names. You have plenty of people here to talk with.

Aquarius turned to talk with her, and as he did. Floyd leaned over. "She acts and looks like a piranha, Azul." 

"Yeah, her mouth is vile like one too."

"You know that I can hear you two chatting over there." She turned angrily.

"Hey now calm down. He meant nothing by that. I noticed the guy with heterochromia likes to give out nicknames. His name is Floyd."

She scoffed," like I care I don't want his stupid nicknames." Even though her eyes shown no emotions. Her mouth sure does.

"Well, I'm sorry if he may have offended you, but you did butt in on our conversation. I would like to continue talking with Aquarius." She stared between the two of us in that moment. I could tell she was thinking about something. Just then her phone rang. She turned to pick it up.

"Hey, you I'm with two of the brats right now." She waved her hand towards us clearly insulting us as well. "Huh, oh really, I hope your face is okay... What you're going to talk with him." She continued talking then turned to us. "Hmm, I guess you two are off the hook for now. I have to go meet some, bye." She started to walk off. Not waiting for a response, she continued talking on talking on the phone.

"Well, I'm sorry for that unpleasant interruption. May we continue." I calmed myself down and turned to Aquarius.

"Yes, let's continue our discussion." I understand, what Aquarius meant. When he tried to warn us. That girl, Fianna acted vile. Even though we had just met. I hope the others are doing fine, though I wonder. Who was she talking to. He sounded injured.

                                                              To be continued

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